Complex carbs and simple carbs?

simple-candy-soda-fruit-anthing sugary
do a search on this- i believe you will find some more info!
cant get BIG said:
so u are supposed to have simple carbs after a workout?

Yes you want to take in 50-100g of simple carbs, the best being dextrose, immediately after you train. This will help refuel your glycogen stores. A good ratio to follow is 2:1 carbs to protein post workout.:)
is twinlab carb fuel (its a mix complex and simple) a good source for carbs ? 100g per drink (4 scoops) 8oz water. have one in the morning and another at dinner, and after workout with creatine. along with Sonis 9 meal plan for bulking.
Eat simple carbs only after your workout. Like Fyre said, dextrose is the best. Buy some cell=tech. You will get dextrose and creatine with that for post workout. Eat complex carbs during the day, but try not to eat a lot at night. Stay away from sugar unless it is post workout. Good luck.