Couple of studies and thoughts for those researchers with GW501516


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Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor []-Agonist, GW501516, Ameliorates Insulin Resistance, Improves Dyslipidaemia in Monosodium l-Glutamate Metabolic Syndrome Mice - Chen - 2008 - Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology - Wiley Online Librar 2008
Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor 2003
PPAR 2005

Thoughts? The first two are saying that it does work while the one from 2005 says the one in 2003 is invalid. I know my hamster is eager to pull the trigger on some GW 501516, but still trying to get some advice on it and SARMs before going that route. I am noticing that the mouse studies are using 10mg/kg. If I'm doing my math right the HED would be around 21mg per day for a rather large hamster. (10mg/kg * (weight of mouse kg * weight of human kg)) assuminging weight of mouse is 20g or .02kg.

MDA / Quest Extra / Obesity Drug Increases Utrophin Report done in more simple English.

Now here's the actual human study that used 2.5mg/per day.

Mechanism of Action of a Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR)-

Anyone got some thoughts on this? Besides the one report above most scholarly works I find on GW 501516 seems to indicate it works. My hamster is eager and ready to be a study subject.
I haven't read the studies you posted yet but like you, most studies I have found say it works. I actuall am on 5mg a day right now but it's only been a short time. I'm really hoping for an improvement in lipids and the extra fatloss but I don't have a lot right now anyway but im looking to keep a fast metabolic rate in combination with osta and androgens to maintain and promote lean mass.

I'll look through the studies you posted when I get some time. If you could, post the summary or conclusions from them. Some of us are lazy. Lol. Thanks.
I'll look through the studies you posted when I get some time. If you could, post the summary or conclusions from them. Some of us are lazy. Lol. Thanks.

lol no problem, I'm off from work between now and 6Jan so all I'm doing is planning shit lol.

Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor []-Agonist, GW501516, Ameliorates Insulin Resistance, Improves Dyslipidaemia in Monosodium l-Glutamate Metabolic Syndrome Mice - Chen - 2008 - Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology - Wiley Online Librar

This one they are basically using the GW501516 to determine it's effect on metabolic syndrome mice. The bottom line with this one is that body fat/weight didn't change but that
The results indicated that activation of PPAR***948; by GW501516 could enhance insulin sensitivity and partially improve the dyslipidaemia and other disorders associated with metabolic syndrome.

Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor

GW increased fatty oxidation in muscles, reduces insulin sensitivity, also has potential to reduce fat accumulation.
Hence, we are speculating that one of the physiological roles of PPAR***948; is to direct metabolism from utilization of glucose to utilization of lipids in the fatty acid ***946;-oxidation pathway

Little safety factor to take away from this study, I didn't see where they defined what long-term is but they state that long-term usage of GW in the mice lead to Hepatomegaly. They took mice that were on it long term down to 3mg/kg bw/day.


This one is more or less studying how the before study was done. They come to the conclusion that GW isn't great at shuttling glucose as previously thought but that they are seeing that the mice are having higher energy expenditures and fatty oxidation. They come to the conclusion that they are not sure what causes the oxidation but it may just be simple thermogenesis.

Mechanism of Action of a Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR)-

Double blind study conducted on obese human subjects. This one's just the abstract and probably easier to read then me typing. It just describes, briefly, what a 2.5mg dose daily did to obese lipid panels.

MDA / Quest Extra / Obesity Drug Increases Utrophin

A short article on what GW is being developed for (obesity and lipid panels)

Sorry for no summary lol. Looking now don't know what I was expecting throwing up random studies.

So I guess looking at these, I'm getting the feeling that it may not do much for helping your body shed the fat, but on a bulk (especially one extremely high in carbs) it might be quite useful for keeping lipids in line and preventing accumulation of fat.
I kinda have the same thoughts on it. If it does help with lipids then it's well worth it IMO because lipids take a hit on most all AAS, some worse than others but for people who stay on for any length of time that alone would be a nice benefit and if it can prevent bf then even better.

Hopefully in a couple weeks I'll have a better understanding of how it's effecting me.