creatine a fat loss


New member
I'm going to diet down in early july, may or may not take a clen/t3 stack--haven't decided yet, but is creatine something I should include to help me?
creatine wiil make you hold some water (it does me)
i dont think it will help with fatloose
a good run run run. (it worked for me)
I´m trying to cut some fat too, i´m started with creatine along with ZMA Tribulus and proxylon this week.
The only supplement i take for fatloss at the moment is vitamin A (25000 IU a/d) and the proxylon later on in the stack.
The last 4 weeks of my 6-7 week cycle i´m gona ad gaba.
hmmm... when I used creatine I noticed a significant amount of fat build up around the gut - probably water retention, despite heaps of cardio...