creatine is probably the best product if your looking to add weight. basically it's water weight. from what i understand your gains are 70/30 in favor of the water weight. for me it aids alot in recovery. in the long run that means better and longer workouts, and that means i get stronger quicker. thats why we all love the stuff. to the side effect is the water weight gain. not for looks because if you have a low enouph body fat percentage it makes your muscle look fuller, but i like to run alot so its a ngative effect for me int he summer monthes. but i live by the shit in the winter.
now as far as loading.... you can if you want but if you have a high enouph quality supp you shouldent worry about that! i prefer muscletechs nitro tech. its expensive but if you have the money its worth it. i know theres new shit out i havent tried yet so im sure the bros will quickly correct me on the new cost effective creatine machine! good luck.