Critique my diet


New member
Yes, another one of those threads.

Okay, I'm almost up to 220 but I'm getting fat. I want to cut back down to 200 lbs soon, get down to 8% bodyfat preferrably. I'm at about 15%, maybe a little more. I still have a slight four pack. I've seen guys at 12% who had no abs at all... so I don't know for sure. Anyway, the point is - I want to lose at least 15 pounds of fat. My maintenance is about 2800-3000 calories.

Here is what I was thinking for my diet:

Meal 1:
1/2 Oatmeal, 2 egg whites + 1 egg, scrambled in 1 tbsp olive oil
378 calories, 22 grams fat, 28 grams carbs, 18 grams protein

4 flax oil caps
40 cals, 4 grams fat, 0 grams carbs, 0 grams protein

Meal 2:
1 can vegetable soup
225 calories, 5 grams fat, 35 grams carbs, 8 grams protein

40 grams whey (2 scoops)
200 calories, 40 grams protein, 3 grams fat, 4 grams carbs


60 grams whey (3 scoops) + 120 grams maltodextrin
780 calories, 4 grams fat, 126 grams carbs, 60 grams protein

Meal 3:
1 can of tuna, 1 cup of spinach, 1/2 cup rice, 1 tbsp olive oil
490 calories, 17 grams fat, 44 grams carbs, 41 grams protein

Presleep shake:
40 grams whey (2 scoops), 4 fish oil caps
240 calories, 44 grams protein, 3 grams fat, 4 grams carbs

Calories: 2352
Fat: 60
Carbs: 241
Protein: 206

I plan to lift M,W,F and do cardio T,TH,SA. For cardio, I'm just going to jog. I won't be drinking my post workout shake on cardio days, don't know if I'm going to replace that shake with a meal of some sort, since it accounts for 780 calories.

The thing is, I don't want to get bored with this diet. I know how to bulk, but I don't know how to cut very well. Haven't ever really needed to do it, since I've been lean most of my life. What are some good vegetables I can switch up with? What are some other good, lean sources of protein aside from lean cut steaks?
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I'll try to help you out. First off, I definitely think that your protein intake is way too low. You are 220 and if you are only getting in 206 grams of protein a day, that is way too low especially for lifting and doing cardio. I like to follow the 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight which would put you at 330 grams of protein. Some guys take up to 2 grams of protein per pound of weight. You aren't even hitting 1g per pound yet. Another thing to correct is that you need real food for your protein. I only see that you eat 1 can of tuna and 3 eggs for your natural food protein. The rest consist of shakes. Shakes can be spread out throughout the day, but your only reliable source is your shakes as of right now. You need some chicken, lean turkey breast, Tilapia(lean fish) and some lean steaks and more egg whites, tuna, etc.
For me, that carb intake would be too high. I usually need around 200g a day carbs tops. That might work for you though because your weight is a lot higher! Hope this helps, anyone else feel free to chime in!!
Thanks for the advice. I actually think I may need to increase the calories anyway. I'll probably replace the very last shake of the day with some chicken or some fish. I hate turkey, so I'd rather eat chicken first, but I'll probably rotate it every few days so I don't get bored.

As for carbs... I find that if I cut carbs too much, I start to feel like shit constantly and I get extremely deflated. However, I was planning to sort of cycle carbs. A big chunk of them come in my post workout shake. On days I don't lift, I was thinking of replacing that shake with some lean protein and some leafy vegetables.

What do you think?
yea get like 4-6 egg whites in their and 1 egg yolk. some good veggies i like, i hate veggies i just eat broccoli and melt some fat free cheese on it. you know when your down to like 10 or 11 percent bf you should take green tea pills as well. your cardio is gonna play a kinda big role, how long are you gonna be jogging for and at what pace?
I already drink a shitload of green tea, so I don't think the pills will do much. However, I am considering an ECA stack or maybe Clen once I get to 10%.

For the running... I'm still debating whether to do HIIT style sprinting for 15 minutes a day, or just run for 45 minutes, eventually working up to 60 minutes.

I will post a revised diet later tonight probably.
Behemoth said:
Yes, another one of those threads.

Okay, I'm almost up to 220 but I'm getting fat. I want to cut back down to 200 lbs soon, get down to 8% bodyfat preferrably. I'm at about 15%, maybe a little more. I still have a slight four pack. I've seen guys at 12% who had no abs at all... so I don't know for sure. Anyway, the point is - I want to lose at least 15 pounds of fat. My maintenance is about 2800-3000 calories.

Here is what I was thinking for my diet:

Meal 1:
1/2 Oatmeal, 2 egg whites + 1 egg, scrambled in 1 tbsp olive oil
378 calories, 22 grams fat, 28 grams carbs, 18 grams protein

4 flax oil caps
40 cals, 4 grams fat, 0 grams carbs, 0 grams protein

Meal 2:
1 can vegetable soup
225 calories, 5 grams fat, 35 grams carbs, 8 grams protein

40 grams whey (2 scoops)
200 calories, 40 grams protein, 3 grams fat, 4 grams carbs


60 grams whey (3 scoops) + 120 grams maltodextrin
780 calories, 4 grams fat, 126 grams carbs, 60 grams protein

Meal 3:
1 can of tuna, 1 cup of spinach, 1/2 cup rice, 1 tbsp olive oil
490 calories, 17 grams fat, 44 grams carbs, 41 grams protein

Presleep shake:
40 grams whey (2 scoops), 4 fish oil caps
240 calories, 44 grams protein, 3 grams fat, 4 grams carbs

Calories: 2352
Fat: 60
Carbs: 241
Protein: 206

I plan to lift M,W,F and do cardio T,TH,SA. For cardio, I'm just going to jog. I won't be drinking my post workout shake on cardio days, don't know if I'm going to replace that shake with a meal of some sort, since it accounts for 780 calories.

The thing is, I don't want to get bored with this diet. I know how to bulk, but I don't know how to cut very well. Haven't ever really needed to do it, since I've been lean most of my life. What are some good vegetables I can switch up with? What are some other good, lean sources of protein aside from lean cut steaks?

Diet needs some work, check out this thread for a good example of a cutting diet. Learn the principles of why it works, and then re-vise your diet.

Also, jogging is not a good form of cardio if you are looking for 100% fatloss. A fast pace walk for 45 minutes at your target fatloss heart rate first thing in the AM or 2-3 hours after a pro/fat meal is best for pure lipolysis. Check out the stickies, all of this information is laid out in them. Cutting is a little more tricky than bulking, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

Good luck, and re-post your diet after you check out the cutting sticky.