Crystal Fina- the only way to do fina!


New member
I was a bit cautious and was origially going to go the "lazy" way and just mix the pellets into my BA/BB solution but after doing the crystalization method for the first time I'm sold. Besides the crystals are really cool to watch as you add the distilled water to the MA mix. Kinda looks like the inside of a sea shell.

1. There's no strong aftertaste/musk smell after injection.
2. No mysterious fina cough.
3. You know exactly how much mg./ml. you're creating.

This leads me to wonder if that fina "smell" is mostly in the cellulose and binders of the pellets and if so how good can that be for you?
:40oz: :confused:
yeah, I use to judge good Fina by the smell / aftertaste, now I know that has to be something else in the mix.
1- Guys gotta favorite link for prep? I have several, just wondering if there's more that might be more clear?

2- What's the max amount of carts you converted to powder at once?

To be honest I started off measuring the Heet and distilled water but ended up just using about a whole bottle of Heet and a ton of distilled water. I just kept adding water to the filtered product after filtering until crystallization reoccurred. I finally discarded the leftover solution after there was no crystallization occurring. I only did 5 carts this time since I'm ending my cycle. I have all my shit at home so excuse my measurements but I believe I used 37.5 ml. oil which I heated to about 350f and then about 2.5ml BA and 7.5ml BB. I mixed the dried crystals with the BA/BB mixture first and then added the oil after it had cooled considerably. I then filtered the entire mix. No heating required, didn't want to risk damaging the product. Completely painless mix, haven't lost any limbs yet.:D
gunz said:
1- Guys gotta favorite link for prep? I have several, just wondering if there's more that might be more clear?

2- What's the max amount of carts you converted to powder at once?


1 grafix-gncs post at the top of the page.
2 2 carts two different times.
this is the only way I've ever done my TP. it's cheap theres no kit to buy. and the finished product is better than most kits I've seen. and just a couple weeks ago I started doin TA.

not to mention I can keep the powder around "in a small plastic closed container" till I'm ready to mix some more for injection.

but Gunz I wouldn't make too much in the same container at once because you end up having too much liquid and not enough container if ya know what I mean.
but you could, you know make it in a couple of containers.