Cut OR Keep doing lean bulk?


New member
Hey Guys, I was thinking of doing a short cut cycle with Clen+T3+Test for about 4-6 weeks (Straight into the middle of June or so). I am not looking to get SUPER ripped, more like drop to 10% BF from 13.4 BF in about a few weeks with Clen speeding up the process.
Should I just keep bulking? Cals: About 3800 On Test E and Tren E <--- Sweet spot that got me to where I am now in 8 Weeks without much Fat gain
Cycle: Test E, Tren E, EQ & Anadrol for my bulk. (Think I will switch to Aromasin from Arimidex for this)
Since I am adding the EQ and Anadrol, I am bumping up my calories to 4200-4500 (Yes I eat ALL clean calories, its really not that hard. Thanks, 3J!)
Obvious: Stopping Tren E at week 10 or 11, whatever. Running Test And EQ for 12-14 weeks. Anadrol 100mg for 6 Weeks

I do not have many pictures but I have one of my stomach to help better determine what I should do.

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Keep on bulking. Looks like you have a firm grip on things and when you're ready to cut it shouldn't be a big deal for you. Good work.
If you wanna keep the abs year round i would cut, and then bulk again. Staying at a lower bodyfat provides benefits for anabolism. You are in a more leptin and insulin sensitive state and you won't feel like a fat fuck. If you wanna keep up the momentum then keep bulking. I've gotten into the habit of staying in the 8-12 % body fat range and it's more fun because you look and feel good no matter what. It's easier to be patient with a cut or a bulk when you already have a respectable level of leanness and mass. Anything over 15% and i feel obese :rolleyes2
I say you cut down to like 8% then u keep doing lean bulks and never go over 10%.. I agree with Black beard here /\.. once you get the habbit of staying in a lower bodyfat range you wont find it so hard and u'll feel great all year long :p
I'm just gonna reiterate what these guys said, staying at a lower bodyfat percentage is definitely beneficial (for me). This biggest part is not feeling like a fat fuck and you can definitely monitor progression even better, Also, like blackbeard said being in a more sensitive state to insulin is extremely beneficial as this hormone is huge for building muscle.

As for what to do, its really up to you man. IMO going straight from a "bulking" (I realize you said lean bulk) to cutting is kind of like spinning your wheels. Give your body time to adjust to the new added weight then see where you sit. Or like you said keep bulking but either way I would give yourself time between the two, just my .02.
cutting for a short period in the middle of a bulk doesn't make sense... your body likes a certain homeostasis.. keep bulking.. maintain for a while to reset.. then cut.. it will work out better in the long run