Cutting in the last few weeks of a cycle


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Iv been running a test E and tren cycle (500mg test/perweek, 400mg tritren/perweek) for about 8 weeks, and want to trim off some fat before I go on holiday in a few weeks so I have decided to cut for the remaining 5 weeks of my cycle. I'm going to switch to One rip 200 (1ml contains, 75mg test prop, 65mg of tren ace and 65mg of mast) and pin 2ml EOD... But I have a few questions.
Am I running enough gear or should I add something or throw in some orals? I'm a lean build but just have a few pounds of fat layering my abs and hiding abit of definition, so what sort of calorie/carb intake am I shooting for a day? I'm a chef and work alot so I'm very active and I train 5x a week with regular kettle bell workouts for cardio. Also should I expect to lose some strength and size or is it possible to still gain in strength and physique while cutting bf?
I'm on my last pin of test&tren today before I switch to one til so advice would be greatly appreciated as I haven't had much luck on a previous post.
Hey guys

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Iv been running a test E and tren cycle (500mg test/perweek, 400mg tritren/perweek) for about 8 weeks, and want to trim off some fat before I go on holiday in a few weeks so I have decided to cut for the remaining 5 weeks of my cycle. I'm going to switch to One rip 200 (1ml contains, 75mg test prop, 65mg of tren ace and 65mg of mast) and pin 2ml EOD... But I have a few questions.
Am I running enough gear or should I add something or throw in some orals? I'm a lean build but just have a few pounds of fat layering my abs and hiding abit of definition, so what sort of calorie/carb intake am I shooting for a day? I'm a chef and work alot so I'm very active and I train 5x a week with regular kettle bell workouts for cardio. Also should I expect to lose some strength and size or is it possible to still gain in strength and physique while cutting bf?
I'm on my last pin of test&tren today before I switch to one til so advice would be greatly appreciated as I haven't had much luck on a previous post.

Instead of 2ml EOD try 1ml ED. Although if you are not sure of your diet you have no business running this cycle.
Well Im going to do it anyways so advice would be bonza. I work 6 days a week and Im a cook so have access to good lean foods so just wondered what people thought would be good to eat and what their opinions on calorie/carb intake would be... Currently I'd be eating about 2700 calories a day (300 under my maintanence) and I'm not too sure about carbs. Il try one mil every day if you think itl be better...
Well with ED shots compared to EOD most people report less sides. Its just one of those things you have to try for yourself. Try to eat 500 under maintenance and perhaps cycle your carbs. eg:Low/no carbs on the weekdays and carb up on weekends.
From my experience... load your carbs earlier in the day...

Raw porridge oats for breakfast, dark based low glycemic carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes, brown couscous) throughout the afternoon. Then stop all carbs after 4pm...

Your natural metabolic rate starts to tail off around 4 pm - enabling you to sleep at night, so if you are dieting, carbs after 4pm are a no-no, as you won't be burning them off in time and they will store as fat at night.
Also, if at all possible, get your cardio done before breakfast... you have fasted for approx eight hours whilst sleeping, therefore you can only burn fat as energy... Plus this also speeds up your metabolic rate during the morning at rest...

As far as 'gear' for cutting - I've always had great results finishing my Test based cycle with 'Var - I did dabble once with an E.C.A. stack but found the sides very uncomfortable...

Good luck, but as one previous poster said - if you haven't dialled your diet in - you're fighting a losing battle...
70% diet - 30% training!!!!
I'm really good at dieting and sticking to diets and eating right, before my cycle I dropped from 17% bf to 10% and lost a ton of fat, but I was eating around 2000 kcal a day and if I did that now is waste away in no time, I would like to still keep gaining in strength Etc while cutting this time if still possible... Il keep away from carbs past 4pm and I do my cardio on an empty stomach already... Thanks for the advice dude it will be put into action!