Cutting While keeping mass


New member
I've been lifting for a few months now but have put on some extra fat along the way from eating to bulk... how would i lose the fat while maintaining or even building more muscle?? any supps, diets, or speicial workouts i would have to do?
thats it just cardio and diet? everyone else makes it sound so complicating, (low carbs high protien count calories etc) i need to lose this fucking fat ive taken ripped fuel and shit but it doesnt do anything all my fat is in my belly area
have u done steroids b4 ???
well the only way 2 keep muscle mass nd lose only fat not possible in a physiologic set up...unless u throw in some test... to create an atmosphere for positive nitrogen balance nd hold on to muscle ....while keeping proteins up nd restricting carbs to brkfast nd pwo...but its simple said than done!!!!
40-60 minutes of cardio in the morning on an empty stomach 5-6 days a week and you should start seeing a change in about a month. It sucks to say this but it takes time and patience before you get the results you want and it really all boils down to your diet and cardio. You can take all the supplements in the book, gh, clen whatever; however,if your diet aint in check you wont get to where you want to be.
so cardio on an empty stomach in the am and carbs in the morning only? thats it? ive tried alot of programs like low carb, ketosis, even the only eating eggs for 2 weeks bullshit and all of them failed me. looking for some new way possibly considering doing a cycle of test but dont know much about it, (estrogen blockers, other things to take in the cycle etc...)
gain / cut

the only way to gain muscle while cutting is to do a cycle...I've tried it without and i loss muscle big time..
hey man, get yourself some BCAA's, take em before and after your work out. I've been tryin to shred up this past month w/o any supps just shit load of cardio. i cut down my bf% but also lost muscle too. I just ordered a bottle of BCAA's through one of the trainers at my gym, the shit helps ur body from breaking down muscle tissue and helps retain a positive nitrogen balance. I've tried like ephedra products, but fuck all that. it just curbs your appetite making it very difficult to gain or even maintain your current mass. Try to eat cleaner with about 1.5g of protein per lb of bwt per day, and cardio after each workout. Look up branched chain amino acids ( BCAA ) Good luck bro.