Cycle advice for my new journey...


New member
Hello and thanks for taking the time to read my post. Ive been a long time lurker on this forum and decided to reach out to you guys today.

The question I want to ask is about Oral only AAS's - thought id put that out there incase you dont want to read any further, i know oral only is frowned upon on this forum but I have a phobia for needles, I live with parents and dont even want them to see needles laying around...and no i dont have a "V J J", no im not a "pussy" and nor do I want one. And yes I have read the sticky on this forum on Beginner Cycles. Ive read a lot of e-Books and researched on other forums for the past 3 months.

Heres some brief info on me
Age: 30
Height: 5"6' ...yes im short
Weight: 65kg....yes im not so built
BF%: 15%
Gender: Male
Training: 5-6 days per week. I have a plan of what I do each day and I make daily diary entries on how much i lift.
Diet: Clean and healthy. I prepare my food each morning for the whole day in tupperware. I weigh my food and calculate how many grams i need according to my BMI. I havent eaten junkfood/takeaways/fizzy drink since january 2013.
Calorie intake: 3500 ed
Supps: Whey isolate, creatine monohydrate, mass gainer, BCAA, multivitamins, omega 3,6,9, Beta Alanine, Caseine

Reasons for AAS use: Not aksing for sympathy but to give you a psychological insight into my mind I have been bullied since a young age and been rejected by girls on many occasions and always called skinny by family member....the latter is the worst part. Im a ectomorph so putting on weight has been a lifelong struggle since i educated myself on diet. Because of this I started weight training 2 years ago and have made good gains. Each day I get really annoyed that despite my hard efforts and dedication Im still not as big as I'd like to be so I feel taking AAS will take me to where I want to be. As I say, I'm really not a fan of needles and Ive tried to convice myself to use them but I really dont want to despite the burning desire I have to get bigger...maybe I will one day when I have a bit more confidence to use them, Im actually hoping some gains from the oral only cycle stack will give me the tangible evidence I need to start pinning. Also I have scoured the web for a site that does an oral only stack so Im looking to buy not in a rush to start using them straight away, I want to get as much info as possible first. Okay, here we go...

AAS: Dbol 10mg (Balkan Pharm.) or Dbol 10mg Geneza - havent decided which brand I'll opt for just yet. or Var only

Here is how it would look:
Week 1 - 10mg ed
Week 2- 20mg ed
Week 3 & 4 - 30mg ed
Week 5 - 20mg ed
Week 6 10mg ed

25mg Proviron ed for Week 1-6 [perhaps use Clomid or Nolvadex instead?]
LIV-52 twice ed for Week 1-6

*I know the natural test will shut down so Im sure I need some test in there somewhere as well*

I dont have any contacts inside the gym to ask for the AAS's so I will be getting them from the internet. PM me if you need to know where I'm getting them from but I've read reviews from around the web and they seem a legit source but maybe you have a better source?

So there you have it guys, hope i wont get flamed or called a "faggot", we are all different and not everyone can pin straight away so I guess I'm asking for your help and if this is a suitable stack and what advice you may have for me. I think the PCT is okay for DBol but again you may have some better suggestions?

Hope you can share some of your wisdom with me and hopefully I can one day help the next generation.
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Your being ridiculous. Do test E 500mg a week. Pin twice a week. And get over it. Pct info are all over. Hcg during as well. You will be nervous first few times with each getting better. It doesn't hurt and is very safe. Your not a pussy or faggot lol just do the right thing. You will be happy you did. People pin for a reason. You might enjoy it at some point lol. I sure do. Good luck.
Hiya thanks for taking the time to reply. I had a feeling Id get that response :)

To be honest ive been psyching myself up to pin and I know i probably will at some stage...but...I want to try an oral only cycle TO BEGIN WITH just to (a) dip my toes in the water (b) see how my body responds to AAS's and (c) right now im quite happy to live with the results of the oral only AAS stack will provide. Im not ever going to compete in bodybuilding nor am I ever going to want to look like a beast or the biggest guy in the gym.

Im undecided between a Dbol cycle and a var-only cycle. Ive read many posts of how people have got good results from var only. I know this is considered for women only, but like i said im not looking to become huge or compete. I just want a little kick start for now.....desperately!

It might be taboo to give advice on oral only so please feel free to PM me or i can give you my Skype/email address. Would be happy to pay for good advice if need be.
You have got advice, do not do this to your self!! Your pretty immature today you can live with the consequences of running oral only, what about in the future? You going to be okay with that too? Look at the big picture man come on.
Hi Jacked Canada,

thanks for taking the time to read and reply. I was thinking of doing 1-2 cycles per YEAR of the oral only var cycle. Do you think it will kill me so much? I am also looking at the future, you're right, nobody wants visceral malfunctions, die early or become impotent.
I do not think this is a good idea, you came looking for advice, you are getting it. No one will tell you this is okay! Because it's not! When you are not hearing what you want to hear, don't keep asking, take the advice and the info given to you, it is in your best interest man. We are here to help, and steer you in the right direction.

Why can't you inject test? Because you live with your parents? Do your parents snoop through your room still? Hope not ur a grown man! Best advice I can give is cycle proper or don't cycle at all. Oral only is not a cycle, it's a waste of time and money and it's dangerous. Best of luck