Cycle Update day 7


New member
Cycle Update day 11

Day 7

It is truly amazing what proper use of androgenic compounds, combined with the use of an anti estrogen, lots of protien and weight lifting can do.

I am on day 7 of the test cycle 750 and Adex .5 ed. 5 on 2 off. Having been on 200 mg/wk test for 5 months, it seems as though the injections this week have not taken the usual 4 to 6 weeks to kick in.

This morning I was working out with as longsleeve shirt on and a WB underneath. I was almost done and I wanted to do pull ups so I removed the longsleeve to see myself in the mirror.

I then had one of those moments where you realize exactly why we do this. Everything is coming together Genlemen.

I wish you all the best

ps if things keep progressing, I may disregard the D-Bol and Ox.
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This morning I was working out with as longsleeve shirt on and a WB underneath. I was almost done and I wanted to do pull ups so I removed the longsleeve to see myself in the mirror. I then had one of those moments where you realize exactly why we do this. Everything is coming together Genlemen.

AHH the moments we all live for
Clamping down on the diet.

Getting stronger, weight fluctuating between 175 and 182.

Top row of abs shows sometimes.

Aggresion up significantly due to Test. Loving it!
Like in the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" whe Buffalo Bill is dreesing up like a girl and says, "I'd Fuck Me" and "I'm Hot" in that deep voice.

Then he tucks his dick between his legs.

Well I dont tuck my dick between my legs....
Day 15

Carbs cut dramatically.

Low energy.

Results are apparent because my back is coming out, and my V shape is getting more noticable.

This is the best I have ever looked.

Looking forward to weeks 5 and 6 when the 750 test really kicks in and to May 15 when I start the Oxandrin at 17.5 mg/day for 4 or 5 weeks.

I am going to be a scary monster!
Day 22 - Getting stronger in all areas.

Noticed additional vascularity on my right arm......Possibly due to increased spanking as a result of the test.
day 28 Really considering adding an anabolic to the mix. This cycle will be the 750 test until september.

Considering a 37.5/tren or EQ for 8 or 10 weeks respectively
Start Ox in 45 days
WTG dude!!

I'm starting my first cycle next month on test, hoping to kick it all in gear.

Have you changed your routine for the cycle?