cycling carbs for mass gains


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hey guys,

i've used with success carb cycling method to shed some fat - and because my measuremens on arms and chest stay pretty much the same (and my lifts went up) i think i've added a bit of muscle here and there during this time.

now i'm interested in using carb cycling for mass gains. i plan to make test cycle soon and i'd like to make possibly lean gains. some body fat is expected to come, but i don't want to make it as always - eat a ton and gain a ton, where half a ton is fat.

i think about planning high-med-low carb days. but i hesitate - do i need to be on calories surplus everyday? theorethically yes, but somehow i managed to add a bit of muscle being on my maintenance/a bit above kcals level during dieting only 3 times a week, the rest of time having lower kcals than i need.
what do you think about it? how would you plan the whole thing?

i'm ~245-250lbs/5'9" moderately fat (some veins here and there are visible, some fat on my stomach is still present), i need about 3100kcals to maintain status quo. i'm not going to eat much more than 300g of protein everyday, so no way i'll do "500g of protein, and fill the rest with carbs and healthy fats" diet.

any suggestion will be appreciated.
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I dont think you need to have a calori surplus every day. it all works in a longer perspective if you eat 10 000 one day and nothing the other day you still have a calorie surplus.
you could easily do maintenance, or just a little under maintenance, on non-training days. something like 2,500 calories on off days. lots of protein, moderate fats, lowish carbs.

then do maintenance + about 25% on training days. 4,000 calories should do nicely. moderate protein, low fat, high carb.
thanks for input.

i think i'll go with the scheme Suareezay put, maybe with somewhat different calories. thanks once again.