Daa vs hcgenerate. Please help


New member
Hey guys. Ive just completed a halocor(hdrol clone) and DAA cycle and my libido was MUcH higher than ever before. My question is, ill be doing another cycle of msten and stanodrol and im not sure if i should stick with the daa or switch to hcgenerate. Ive also heard great words about t-force. I want my libido as high as possible on this next cycle, so which is preffered? Id hate to steer away from daa due to my sex drive when i was on it, but halocor raised libido as well. So which would you guys choose?
Yes i do. Clomid and/or nolva. Im make sure im good in that department, but i took the beginner PH without test and felt great. Im closin in on the last of my current pct, endosurge turbo, pct revolution black and pure test and i feel amazing still. No different from on cycle. Weird, i know, but either way, im trying to stay legal. Well, other than serm, of coarse. Haha
Hey guys. Ive just completed a halocor(hdrol clone) and DAA cycle and my libido was MUcH higher than ever before. My question is, ill be doing another cycle of msten and stanodrol and im not sure if i should stick with the daa or switch to hcgenerate. Ive also heard great words about t-force. I want my libido as high as possible on this next cycle, so which is preffered? Id hate to steer away from daa due to my sex drive when i was on it, but halocor raised libido as well. So which would you guys choose?

Hcgenerate is an amazingly effective product bro and if you think your libido was up with Daa than wait til you try hcgenerate it literally makes you a walking boner. As for running on cycle the hcgenerate will be/is far more effective bro and is designed for on cycle use to lessen suppression.

I run it on all my cycles whether oral or injectable, either solo or in combination with real Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) by alternating between the two. For shorter cycles I run it straight through and blast my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in the last weeks leading up to my pct.
Obviously for your cycle this isn't needed, but hcgenerate will be far more effective for on cycle usage than a standard Daa is.

Btw their is a new hcgenerate ES which is blinding bro and would be perfect for you situation, even more effective than the original and will turn you into sexual predator :devil2: lol
HCGenerate is an amazing product!! I use it on cycle to assist with suppression. It keeps my boys nice and plump!! You will be a walking boner as stated above!
do u do PCT's with that PH crap?

yes it is just as important as when using test. People react differently to each product and it is important to have these items on hand ready to go.Have you ever done a PH Cycle? From the look of your pic I can def tell you I have gotten better results off a PH if your photo displays you on Test. I am sure you know though that diet and training are key!!! Nothing works miracles ,if you eat and workout like shit while pinning you will look like shit.
I personally like DAA a lot. It's cheaper and there is hundreds of reviews of it online. I personally have taken it couple of times and I have always been happy with it....heck even once I took it with Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and after a blood work I can surely tell you that with those results I will always stick to it.
DAA is great but in no way does it come close to HCGenerate in terms of testosterone boost and libido... It was designed to not only keep suppression to a minimum on cycle but to also keep your libido extremely high... I would really take it one step further and try HcGenerate ES... I just finished 30 days of it and it is the best in this category that I have ever ran...
Great! Thanks for the imput guys. I just placed my order with the hcgenerate. Didnt plan on spending the extra 75 bucks, but im sure i will love it. Thanks again and i will make a thread about this cycle for sure
Why not both?? Daa is cheap, HCGen costs a couple bux but it won't break ya....

I'd think about that, it will add to the gains you see while on cycle.
DAA is great but in no way does it come close to HCGenerate in terms of testosterone boost and libido... It was designed to not only keep suppression to a minimum on cycle but to also keep your libido extremely high... I would really take it one step further and try HcGenerate ES... I just finished 30 days of it and it is the best in this category that I have ever ran...

have to agree actually the hcgenerate ES is a beast lol, not only is it a lot stronger but it also has a whole host of other extras added as well
I would stack them both....will be much more effective than taking each solo...

They will both work together to increase your total T levels while the divanil in HCGen will help increase your free test levels