dbol or anadrol witch one is more effective?


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I know another pill Billy poll. But I am going to be running dbol soon second run, and anadrol next year.is there anything better or a better favorite ? That does not come with super crazy sides. Like m1t SD or tren hex. Looking for the best kick start for future reference.
It quite individual ... A lot needs to be taken into consideration. D-bol and anadrol? Not found of orals...
I love vermodje's stanover (inj) and it gives me great results.
Pick your poison; one aromatizes like crazy, the other can cause crazy stomach issues. They're both great if you can handle them, but I can't really call one better than the other.

Oddly, I do actually like SD more - but that's probably because I'm not looking for flat out strength (adrol) or a sudden jump in nitrogen retention (dbol) - I like the androgenic properties. I guess everyone has a favorite. :)
We're splitting atoms here. That's like asking which is your favorite food. For each there own. Usually someone's favorite is which one gives them their best results or which one they feel better on. Basically you have to experience them all and find out for yourself. So far for me I like SD. I'm trying Anadrol for the first time real soon so we will see :).
anadrol---brutal head and stomach aches and water retention as well but as I was only able to run it 10 days and 12 respectfully both times I tried it , my answer is skewed by a bail out each time.

Dbol- best anti depressant out there due to it s aromat, ing like a mo-fo. Weight and strength AND size come on quickly after 1 week 10 day s max...and dissipate as quick upon cessation in as almost as short a time.

As Dr, HW said, pick your poison. Both wreak havoc potentially on liver values b t w. But d bol s cheap so there s the kicker for me. Dosed at 40-60 for 4 to 6 max weeks you ll love the strength, the size and the sense of well being you get but hanging on to any OF THOSE is impossible w o a est base.
depends what your after. Dbol for a little size and strength or anadrol for a shitload of strength. ive run both and i doubt ill run dbol again. anadrol on the other hand. that shits crazy for strength.

if you want strength and size then your better off with SD. If you want pure strength id run anadrol. M1T is also in the mix but cant comment on that because ive never run it. but thats about to change as of next week :evil:
Honest though im realy surprised noone touched up ........

IS THIS AN ORAL ONLY CYCLE ??????.......... what else are you taking with that !?
Dbol seems to add weight faster than drol for myself. Water no doubt. The mental effects are more positive from dbol imo. Converts like crazy to estrogen though. Ai is a must for me. Big strength gains fast. Makes me lazy as hell

Drol makes me feel toxic and raises my bp dramatically. I do prefer the look you get from drol. Water seems to hold in the muscle, not under the skin as much. Big strength and size gains but dbol works slightly better in that regard for myself. Could be dose related on all fronts.
Pick your poison; one aromatizes like crazy, the other can cause crazy stomach issues. They're both great if you can handle them, but I can't really call one better than the other.

Oddly, I do actually like SD more - but that's probably because I'm not looking for flat out strength (adrol) or a sudden jump in nitrogen retention (dbol) - I like the androgenic properties. I guess everyone has a favorite. :)

I cant run Drol due to this fact alone, in fact its so bad i cant even eat so I dont even gain, lol. Dbol gets my vote. Quick gains in strength/weight/increased sense of well being. Just be careful as is does, like already stated, aromatisize like crazy.

I havent actually run orals in a while, but I have some Dbol set for next go around!!! Cant wait..
Dbol also made me lazy, I felt like a bloated mess getting out of breath just climbing a staircase..... I believe it also gave me anxiety, which affected appetite, I barely was able to eat at all.

Most of my time spent on dbol was lying on the couch, playing gta5 and fapping to fitness chicks... Wasnt really a good experience for me, im sure ill try it again one day, im pretty sure I dosed 40mg for 4 weeks alongside test @ 500mg/w
I know another pill Billy poll. But I am going to be running dbol soon second run, and anadrol next year.is there anything better or a better favorite ? That does not come with super crazy sides. Like m1t SD or tren hex. Looking for the best kick start for future reference.

your going to want some liver support for stuff like m1t dbol androl pick up some mr supps tudca to protect your liver. far as most effective depends on how you react everyone reacts different as you have found with the replies below

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