deadlift form question


New member
i just started doing deads, and i think i got the form for sumo deads nailed. but i was wondering if doing them that way is harder than having the hands outside the legs, wich way is easier? so far i can only get 335 up once. also after you lock out how should i put the weight back down? slowly, drop, or a combonation of the two. i want to get some bigger poundages. thanks
IMO conventional deads are easier (meaning you'll generally pull more) than sumos. as for lowering the weight, i lower it slowly and controlled, 'cause if i let it crash to the ground i'll fuck up my weights and my floor.
syclone2659 said:
i just started doing deads, and i think i got the form for sumo deads nailed. but i was wondering if doing them that way is harder than having the hands outside the legs, wich way is easier? so far i can only get 335 up once. also after you lock out how should i put the weight back down? slowly, drop, or a combonation of the two. i want to get some bigger poundages. thanks
hold on to the weights dont drop them but if you have a good deadlift platform only hold back on the weight just enough to control it dont lower it , its more like a controlled drop and as far as the style goes , sumo and conventional work better with different body types but more importantly since they emphasize different muscles which you are strongest at probably depends on your individual strengths and weaknesses sumo really uses the hips and thighs but conventional uses more a lot more back , i hope this helps but one last thing i reccomend training with both at times to give you a more overall strength and muscle development , PEACE