"DHEA" new stack??


New member
How yall doing im 18 years old well educated with most supplements, have a good workout cycle and diet setup. In the past i took a cycle of sarms but saw little size gains, besides some okay streight gains. Im kinda trying to look forward for the next level without getting out of hand. i found a decent size stack setup from ******** and its look like a solid start, im hoping someone can give me some advice and some background on it. ect....
Note; i have done lots of research on both the "fire" and "ice" compounds. DHEA 4 and 1

link to stack:
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Also what gains do u think many come out of taking this stack.?
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Dude, you are way tooooooooo young to be up in this, come back when your 24. If you where well educated you would know to keep away and get a real life. YOU will suffer in your old age from using AAS at your current age, you'll see.
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