Diabetic diet please help!


IncreasedMyT @ ULV
So I want to open a supplement store where i live. I need about 30,000 more dollars to do so. My mom's boyfriend is a millionare. He says if I cant get him to lose 10 pounds in the next 30 days he will give me an interest free loan. Sounds easy right? Well he is very overweight and diabetic.

His stats are 5'10
290 lbs
58 yrs old

He has a huge belly. He looks just like uncle fester, bald head and all.

where do I even start?

I am most worried of depriving him so much of what he is used to eating that he will give up.

Any ideas?

My roomate is going to spend some time with him in the gym. I mean what kind of excercises should we have him doing? I dont think he could do much, but i would like to start getting him mobile for now. Just him getting up the stairs at his house is a task, and bending over makes him sweat.

If anyone has any Ideas that would be great cause I have to do this and I dont want him to give up too soon.
start him off with cardio training.

then have him eat low glycemic foods not to much carbs since activity level is probably pretty low. healthy fats and good qulity protein sources + lots of fibrous veggies like broccoli.

the carb source i prefer when losing weight is brown rice and pretty small portions. Then going for a prette fast paced walk after dinner always helps me :)

Is he against pills? cause an eca stack a few times a day really helps to.
he could try it at about 25 mg ephedrine 200 mg caffein and 200 mg aspirin 2-3 x a day. burns extra calories and suppresses appetite. just dont let him go crazy with the doses. better safe then sorry.

with that being said I have never heard of anyone harming themselves with ephedrine.
I am goin to give the ECA a try then. Its just hard getting to to do much cardio. would a little light weight training with the machines be beneficial at all? Or should I just stick with the cardio for now?
I think for someone tyhat age who is diabetic an ECA stack would be a real bad idea, IMHO his system is already stressed with the extra weight and diabetes without upping his heart rate and BP with ECA.

IMHO just modify his diet to complex carbs use lots of fresh veg also and healthy fats, I'm guessing but could be wrong that his excercise regime is non currently; so......

Start off slow maybe take him out walking in the evenings and build up distance, then as he gets used to it maybe pick up the pace a little.

When your taht size and in ill health the little changes in lifestyle can make big differences!!
So I want to open a supplement store where i live. I need about 30,000 more dollars to do so. My mom's boyfriend is a millionare. He says if I cant get him to lose 10 pounds in the next 30 days he will give me an interest free loan. Sounds easy right? Well he is very overweight and diabetic.

His stats are 5'10
290 lbs
58 yrs old

He has a huge belly. He looks just like uncle fester, bald head and all.

where do I even start?

I am most worried of depriving him so much of what he is used to eating that he will give up.

Any ideas?

My roomate is going to spend some time with him in the gym. I mean what kind of excercises should we have him doing? I dont think he could do much, but i would like to start getting him mobile for now. Just him getting up the stairs at his house is a task, and bending over makes him sweat.

If anyone has any Ideas that would be great cause I have to do this and I dont want him to give up too soon.

After reading this again i have come to the conclusion ythat you would be CRAZY!!!!! to put this guy on an ECA stack dont even think about it mate!!!!
sweating and being in bad shape is one thing. but does he have any cardiovascular problem,high bloodpressure or such?

but there methtest has a point and if you can come up with any reason whatsoever that it might be bad for him then drop it. Its still only the icing on the cake and diet and excercise is still the key.
Yeah I didnt give him anything yet I just got him adjusted to eating different. He coplained about being tired for three days after I started him on his diet. All the sudden the 4th day he called me and said he felt great, said he had not felt that good in three or or four months so that gained us some steam.

I have not been able to get him in the gym yet, and his fat ass won't walk anywhere. lol (j/k though I am prooud he is trying). I did put his ass on the scale and he actually weighs 317 lbs.

So far I got him eating every 3-4 hours.

8am- 2 pieces of turkey sausage, 2 eggs and 1 serving flaxseed cereal with skim milk.

11am- turkey sandwich with 12 grain sandwich thins. carrots and celery. I let him eat a little PB on celery.(veges raw)

2pm- same as 11 am

5pm-salmon patties (grilled) cooked in olive oil. Brown rice and veggies.

8pm- chicken or steak (new york or filet). Veggie-( he usually does green beans)

Sometimes he gets every meal sometimes he skips one of last 2.

I took him to sams and got some of those muscle milk lights- 100 calorie size- 15g protein. I told him when he gets craving for chocolate drink one. He loves them so far.

I also got him those pom crystal lights and he likes those.

I got him some blackberries for cereal and some bananas for snacking.

I hope I am at least on the right path- any suggestions would be welcomed!
Just keep track of his calories in fitday account (fitday.com). Make sure he is around 2500-3000 calories, at his weight that will cause drastic weight loss. As everyone has mentioned, have him eating squeaky clean with low carbs and try and get him to go on short walks with you.