Diet drinks


New member
I was staring at this bottle of Diet Raspberry tea and just can something other than water have 0 calories??? How is it possible? Anyone care to explain this?
dont quote me on this, but i bet you could eat a cell phone and it would have zero calories.

no fat, no carbs, no protein, no alcohol = no calories.
Hmmm I like your logic.

Its probs down to the fact that its tea and in fairness it is just water flavoured with dry berries which have no nutritional value, down to the whole fresh fruit is better than fruit left for a week because once its picked it begins to die and lose its vitamins, unlike other water flavoring products such as juice concentrate which mainly contians sugar and aditives, sugar = calories
It has no nutritional value...either your body can't use anything in it or can't absorb anything in it. There are plenty of things in this world that you could swallow that don't have any nutritional value whatsoever. They will either sit in your body (ie concrete mix or pennies) if your digestive system can't break them down or will exit your body as waste (ie cardboard).