Diet for women???


New member
Hey, I have a ? about diet for chix. SHould they still be eating 6 sm. meals a day like us men do and eat clean?? How bout before and after workouts?? She just wants to stay toned, actually tone up a bit more even. Any suggestions??
joshbeam1 said:
Hey, I have a ? about diet for chix. SHould they still be eating 6 sm. meals a day like us men do and eat clean?? How bout before and after workouts?? She just wants to stay toned, actually tone up a bit more even. Any suggestions??

My wife started lifting and cardio about 4 months ago. She is eating 6 times a day, very clean except for a cheat meal on sundays. She didn't lose any weight, but replaced fat with muscle. She is only 5'2", 106lbs, so she didn't have much fat to lose, but it only took her about 6 weeks to tone up nicely. She keeps her calories around 2000 a day, 200 grams of protein (chicken, red meat, whey), and medium carbs and low fat. Most of her carbs are from sweet potatoes and green veggies.
shaved_head_in_baghdad said:
My wife started lifting and cardio about 4 months ago. She is eating 6 times a day, very clean except for a cheat meal on sundays. She didn't lose any weight, but replaced fat with muscle. She is only 5'2", 106lbs, so she didn't have much fat to lose, but it only took her about 6 weeks to tone up nicely. She keeps her calories around 2000 a day, 200 grams of protein (chicken, red meat, whey), and medium carbs and low fat. Most of her carbs are from sweet potatoes and green veggies.
she have anything before and after a workout??? how many days does she lift?? How many cardio??
joshbeam1 said:
she have anything before and after a workout??? how many days does she lift?? How many cardio??

she lifts 3 days, does cardio 3 days, she takes sunday off. She eats breakfast, usually egg whites, fat free cheese, some whole grain toast. She hits the gym about an hour and a half after breakfast, she would love to go to the gym on an empty stomach, but getting kids off to school, she has to eat. She takes a shaker cup with the protein in the cup, and adds the water as soon as she is done working out, and drinks it on the way home.
She is getting ready to back off a little on cardio, because she wants a little more mass in her quads.
Diet and exercise principles apply to both men and women. Women can eat exactly the same as men, assuming their goals are the same. Obviously, you need to adjust the calories to make up for the difference in size.

So if her goal is get lean, she would do the same thing a guy would do. Decrease calories, increase cardio, high protein, carb cutoffs, etc..etc...