diet issues


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First post but I've read quite a bit on here...the question i have is i have been trying to go keto but i have not really noticed a big change.. im not sure if it is because i dont eat enough fat or what..the big issues is my job and have a hard time eating fats when im in the sun all day..any advice or maybe i should steer away from keto? And a bf estimate would be appreciated..thanks

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I dont have military experience so I cant speak towards the diet, but overall I am not a fan of Keto diets myself. After you cut out carbs, in a couple of days you will get very debilitating headaches, this is because carbs are fuel for your brain. Without carbs, the brain cannot get food. While it is possible to use fat and protein to get this, your body has a much easier time to convert protein to brain energy than fat (and it leaves a toxin as a byproduct). In short, it is really for emergencies only. Overall, if you eat less than you use (hard to do) you will lose weight. Eat more and you will gain it.

As for your body fat, i guess I would say around 20%. But that is just a guess. If it makes you feel better, I have crazy high standards, and I would hit it.

Overall though, dont obsess over abs. They are generally worthless. Every hot chick I know tells me the same thing "Yea abs are nice, but there is nothing like a man who can pick you up during sex!" Work on that, the ladies will appreciate it more.

Hope that helps and thanks for the service!
First post but I've read quite a bit on here...the question i have is i have been trying to go keto but i have not really noticed a big change.. im not sure if it is because i dont eat enough fat or what..the big issues is im in the military and have a hard time eating fats when im in the sun all day..any advice or maybe i should steer away from keto? And a bf estimate would be appreciated..thanks

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Keto diets aren't magical and won't cut fat if you're caloric intake is over your TDEE. You can use a keto diet to bulk, cut, or maintain all that changes would be the amount of calories and macros you take in. What are your stats (age, height, weight, activity level, etc) and what does your current diet look like (total calories, total macros, and 1 day's sample diet with macros).
I dont have military experience so I cant speak towards the diet, but overall I am not a fan of Keto diets myself. After you cut out carbs, in a couple of days you will get very debilitating headaches, this is because carbs are fuel for your brain. Without carbs, the brain cannot get food. While it is possible to use fat and protein to get this, your body has a much easier time to convert protein to brain energy than fat (and it leaves a toxin as a byproduct). In short, it is really for emergencies only. Overall, if you eat less than you use (hard to do) you will lose weight. Eat more and you will gain it.

As for your body fat, i guess I would say around 20%. But that is just a guess. If it makes you feel better, I have crazy high standards, and I would hit it.

Overall though, dont obsess over abs. They are generally worthless. Every hot chick I know tells me the same thing "Yea abs are nice, but there is nothing like a man who can pick you up during sex!" Work on that, the ladies will appreciate it more.

Hope that helps and thanks for the service!

I e never seen any mention in any literature about toxic byproducts of gluconeogensis, source??
I e never seen any mention in any literature about toxic byproducts of gluconeogensis, source??

I dont have a source, I heard it from somewhere and don't really care about the keto diet enough to go find it. Thats just what I heard.

I dont think it is necissarily gonna kill you, but it is something that your body needs to get taken care of, if it is in fact real (its been about a year since I studied keto diet, so please give me a break!)
Keto diets aren't magical and won't cut fat if you're caloric intake is over your TDEE. You can use a keto diet to bulk, cut, or maintain all that changes would be the amount of calories and macros you take in. What are your stats (age, height, weight, activity level, etc) and what does your current diet look like (total calories, total macros, and 1 day's sample diet with macros).

211 lbs

Activity is usually mon-fri heavy weights in the am
2 days a week running 3 miles for time and at work I'm usually always working outside..

And as for diet

Meal 1: 1 egg, 2 slices of bacon = 285/142/6Meal 2: 50g mixed nuts = 231/35/51Meal 3: Tuna and reduced fat mayonnaise = 99/134/10Meal 4: 2 Chicken Breasts = 55/214/15Meal 5: Steak 59/139/11

Total Calories:1373Protein = 46%Fat = 49%Carbs = 5%

And that's on a good day...usually its less because I'm to busy to eat or to hot..
I think you may be underestimating your caloric intake. With the amount of calories you are intaking and the activity you described, you should be burning through the fat.

Overall, my first thought is to say cut some fat out of your diet and you should be fine. A good example of things to cut are like the reduced fat mayo (mayo is literally oil mixed with egg yolk, reduced fat is full of processed shit that does you no good). It can easily be replaced by nonfat greek yogurt to add texture and taste to the tuna. Im sure others would be able to help you better but that is my first thought!
I think you may be underestimating your caloric intake. With the amount of calories you are intaking and the activity you described, you should be burning through the fat.

Overall, my first thought is to say cut some fat out of your diet and you should be fine. A good example of things to cut are like the reduced fat mayo (mayo is literally oil mixed with egg yolk, reduced fat is full of processed shit that does you no good). It can easily be replaced by nonfat greek yogurt to add texture and taste to the tuna. Im sure others would be able to help you better but that is my first thought!

That's what I thought but I was starting to think I was eating enough to lose maybe? I forgot to mention if I miss a meal or I'm in a hurry I use 1 scoop of oxy elite protein...I will try the less fat and I've never had the tuna and yogurt I will give it a shot...thanks
211 lbs

Activity is usually mon-fri heavy weights in the am
2 days a week running 3 miles for time and at work I'm usually always working outside..

And as for diet

Meal 1: 1 egg, 2 slices of bacon = 285/142/6Meal 2: 50g mixed nuts = 231/35/51Meal 3: Tuna and reduced fat mayonnaise = 99/134/10Meal 4: 2 Chicken Breasts = 55/214/15Meal 5: Steak 59/139/11

Total Calories:1373Protein = 46%Fat = 49%Carbs = 5%

And that's on a good day...usually its less because I'm to busy to eat or to hot..

If those calories are accurate you're in a starvation diet dude. Our stats are very similar (28yo, 5'10" 215lbs) so your TDEE should be at least 3500 calories or more. The way you list macros for the foods is confusing but is that correct that you're only eating 1400calories? Is that a typo?

If that's accurate you need to bump up your total calories substantially. Plus you're taking in too little fat and protein for your stats and for a keto diet in particular you'd need more fats especially. How did you come up with these macros and calorie total? Are you weighing your food with a scale or just eyeballing things? How long have you been in this diet and what if any changes have you noticed?
If those calories are accurate you're in a starvation diet dude. Our stats are very similar (28yo, 5'10" 215lbs) so your TDEE should be at least 3500 calories or more. The way you list macros for the foods is confusing but is that correct that you're only eating 1400calories? Is that a typo?

If that's accurate you need to bump up your total calories substantially. Plus you're taking in too little fat and protein for your stats and for a keto diet in particular you'd need more fats especially. How did you come up with these macros and calorie total? Are you weighing your food with a scale or just eyeballing things? How long have you been in this diet and what if any changes have you noticed?

Damn.. news to me.. I came up with it off a different forum.. I was under the impression the calories had todrop dramatically due to the lack of carbs.. its my first shot on keto and I have only noticed a slight drop in bf.. I eyeball the food and its pretty spot on just trying to shred before next cycle. .
Damn.. news to me.. I came up with it off a different forum.. I was under the impression the calories had todrop dramatically due to the lack of carbs.. its my first shot on keto and I have only noticed a slight drop in bf.. I eyeball the food and its pretty spot on just trying to shred before next cycle. .

No, the determinant of weight loss is the size of the caloric deficit. Just roughly estimating things, you are 2000calories under maintenance if not more which is not good. You will loose muscle and fat if you stick to this. You're way under maintenance calorie wise, you're way under minimum protein requirements to preserve muscle mass, and you're way under dietary fat requirements based both off your stats and your diet selection. You really need to get this under control before considering a cycle, especially how you measure food. Don't eyeball, it's not accurate unless you have a very very very trained eye. Get a food scale, they're as cheap as $15-20 and will help you tremendously when it comes to sticking to your macros.