Diet Questions for an Old Guy


New member
Hey Everyone,

I am new to the site and need some guidance. The following are my stats:

36 years old
221 lbs

I have been lifting over the last 1 year after a very long layoff (laziness). I have made some good strength gains and put on some size. My diet has been poor and not very structured. I am willing to put forth the proper effort to make some gains/BF loss.

My question is should I just attack my BF with a serious cutting phase before going the bulking route?? How long should I stay on a cutting phase and what kind of cal/carb/pro/fat breakdowns should I be attempting to use? What supplements should I be using , ie creatine, glutamine, etc.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
IMHO you should cut down to around 10 % bf before you start bulking. I would drop my calories by 500 a week and my daily carb, protein and fat intake would look like this:

Carbs: 35 %
Protein: 50 %
Fat: 15 %

I would only go for a protein supplement. Good luck!
Firstly, welcome to Steroidology.
I would agree with beaf in terms of leaning out first.
What are you're goals?
The 50/35/15, P,C, F split is a good one. You may also find that 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat works well for you as well.
I would definitely incorporate a whey protein into your diet. You will also want to supplement your diet with some EFA's. The easier source in my opinion is Flax Oil or Udo's Oil. One tablespoon is equal to 15g of good fat.
You might also think of giving some sort of a fat burner a shot to give you an extra little kick. I myself, prefer the ephedra/ma huang based burners or the straight ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin stack. Providing of course that you have no health concerns.
Thanks Beaf and Frye, Some Other Questions

Beaf and Frye,

Thanks for the replys. That was kind of my idea, the 50/35/15 breakdown. Would my protein intake need to be around 300 grams for my bodyweight of 221 or should I be using my lean bodyweight to calculate the needed 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per bodyweight.

I have tried Flax Oil and it is extremely nasty, what do you mix it with?? I was going to start an E/C/A stack, but what about cardio and weights.

I am doing cardio(treadmill) 30 -40 minutes in the AM on M-T-Th-F and go to lift during my lunch hour and began this split that I seen posted by BiggieSwolls that goes like this

Monday - Shoulders/Traps/Calves
Tuesday - Triceps/Hams/Abs
Wednesday - Bis/Quads
Thursday - OFF
Friday - Chest/Calves
Saturday - Back/Abs
Sunday - OFF

Thanks in advance for any info you can share.