Digestive Enzymes?

SemperFi 0321

New member
Anyone know of a good digestive enzyme to add into my diet? I'm taking in 400g of protein, and it's kind of hard on my gut. I only get 75g of that from a shake (post w/o). Any help is appreciated.

Semper Fi
SemperFi 0321 said:
Anyone know of a good digestive enzyme to add into my diet? I'm taking in 400g of protein, and it's kind of hard on my gut. I only get 75g of that from a shake (post w/o). Any help is appreciated.

Semper Fi

Wobenzyme is a good brand. Generally 1 tab for every 100-200 calories, especially if it's thoroughly cooked food.

You could include some vinegar or lemon juice with your meals to help, too.
Frosty- got the vinegar and lemon juice covered........but I don't think it helps enough. My gut is just feeling really crappy this week for some reason. Feels like there's a rock in there when I eat........can't explain the feeling. Do you think the enzymes would help? And where can I get them?

Semper Fi
Re: Re: Digestive Enzymes?

Frosty said:
Generally 1 tab for every 100-200 calories, especially if it's thoroughly cooked food.

Are you serious about that??? I eat 5000-6000cals a day!!! How many tabs come in a bottle, and how much are they.........thats 30-40 tabs a day! But if it works..........:D

Semper Fi
SemperFi 0321 said:
Frosty- got the vinegar and lemon juice covered........but I don't think it helps enough. My gut is just feeling really crappy this week for some reason. Feels like there's a rock in there when I eat........can't explain the feeling. Do you think the enzymes would help? And where can I get them?

Semper Fi

The enzymes may help.


You're not eating anything funny, are you? Or perhaps lots of peanut butter, nuts, seeds, beans, etc?

If not, it might possibly be reduced HCl production in the stomach, and you may want to make sure you're sleeping enough and not overtraining.
Re: Re: Re: Digestive Enzymes?

SemperFi 0321 said:
Are you serious about that??? I eat 5000-6000cals a day!!! How many tabs come in a bottle, and how much are they.........thats 30-40 tabs a day! But if it works..........:D

Semper Fi

Maybe go for 15-20 a day :D If certain meals make you feel bloated, then take them with that meal, 1 for every 100-200 calories.

Is it all meals or only certain?
Not eating anything funny.......NO PEANUT BUTTER!!!! Learned that lesson already. And it's really just been the last few days, and mostly when I eat eggs. I eat 6 in the morning, then 6 in the afternoon (2 sets of 3 boiled). But I have the exact same diet I've had for the last 2 months. Added a few more g's of protein a month ago to get me up to 400, but just more of the same food. Tuna, salmon, chicken, beef (ground & steak), pork, eggs, milk, farina, fruit, veggies, cod liver oil, protein shake (only 1 on training days), lots of water, multi vitamins, pasta..........you know, the usual! I get 7-8 hrs sleep, and Im on a 3 day split that I really don't think overtrains me. I cardio once during the week (walk for 45 min @ 3mph). Don't know what the prob is, but I'm getting bigger, so its working. In 2 months I've added 30 lbs, natural. Yeah, some fat, but a good base underneath. Im up to 200 at 5'10" as of this am in the gym.

I'll get the enzyme, see if it helps. If not, maybe i'll try to go a little lighter for a few days, see what happens.

Semper Fi
I just take a Vitamin Shoppe brand Multi Enzyme

Pancreatin is one of the most active ones, among others in the multi enzyme.
I just take 2-4 tabs during or after a meal if I feel it will make me bloated or give me issues.
It has worked VERY well so far. Gets rid of the bloated and the I ate a brick feeling.

Also works ok for joint inflammation if you read up on it some.
Trust me and it is ALOT cheaper than wobezyme even though that IS a great product.

Just try out 2 or 3 tabs of it and see how you feel, you can alway up the dose.