It seems like there is a lot of interest about DNP but not too many people ON THIS BOARD doing it. Figured I would post up my cycle for shits and grins. I want to say 3 things.
1, if at any point this turns into a "your stupid for doing DNP" or anything like that I will stop the log. I dong need this. Im doing this for the others that DNP peaks there interest.
2, My Body is VERY different when it comes to how it reacts to drugs then most people. I have tested this time and time again. For instance, Novocaine at the highest dose given still leaves me with 100% feeling. My body just works weird on drugs. So if you have questions on anything im doing that may seem odd just ask. There is probably a method to the mayhem.
3, After using some badly under dosed DNP I finally got a LEGIT source. All these doses are right and accurate. I cant say this enough. I dont want to here ''that gram is probably 500mg..."
Before I get into it, im at a pretty weird time in my life. I USUALLY sit at around 215-220 lbs. Im not making excuses but the combination of going back to paramedic school, getting married next month, Unemployment and my son being at that stage in his life where he wants to destroy EVERYTHING (3y.o.), My fat ass has managed to get up to 240. Yes, thats right, in just 2 months I gained 20 lbs. Thank god that it only took 2 months for me to degrade, realize it, and get back on track. So here are my current stats:
24 y.o.
Probably around 25% BF (Im lean at 190lbs)
Here is the cycle Started 3/7:
Week 1- 500mgs Crystallized DNP
Week 2- 750mgs Crystallized DNP
Week 3- 750mgs Crystallized DNP
If blood pressure, Heart rate and Internal temp permit, ketoacidosis, etc:
Week 4- G Crystallized DNP
(In past cycles while on higher dosages I have had problems with BP being OVER the roof. Like nose bleeds, pounding headaches, dizziness, etc.)
Supporting supps:
Clen to mobilize the fat.
Curcumin mobilize the fat.
T3 to keep the thyroid optimal.
Multi V
EFA complex
Keto on hand for rash. Never had a problem though.
Training is going to go back to a BB style 3 day split. Also MMA 3 days a week. I have been doing strictly strength routines for almost a year now. So this will be a nice change of pace. doing lower reps with higher weights on DNP kills me...
Diet is going to be 33/33/33
Protein mainly from chicken and ground beef.
Fats mainly from fish, nuts and oils.
Carbs mainly from fruit, oats, rice and sweat potatoes.
* as of my start date of 3/7
Current temp is 98.01
Current BP 122/84
Goals: Obviously Im looking to get this 20lbs off that I just abruptly put on but in the grand scheme of things Im looking to get down to 190lbs by about July, At this point I want to maintain till about August and give my body a break from losing weight and make sure i maintain homeostasis. Then after a blood test and a good checkup, im going to jump on my first cycle of gear.
I will be updating once every couple of days unless anyone wants to know something sooner.
1, if at any point this turns into a "your stupid for doing DNP" or anything like that I will stop the log. I dong need this. Im doing this for the others that DNP peaks there interest.
2, My Body is VERY different when it comes to how it reacts to drugs then most people. I have tested this time and time again. For instance, Novocaine at the highest dose given still leaves me with 100% feeling. My body just works weird on drugs. So if you have questions on anything im doing that may seem odd just ask. There is probably a method to the mayhem.
3, After using some badly under dosed DNP I finally got a LEGIT source. All these doses are right and accurate. I cant say this enough. I dont want to here ''that gram is probably 500mg..."
Before I get into it, im at a pretty weird time in my life. I USUALLY sit at around 215-220 lbs. Im not making excuses but the combination of going back to paramedic school, getting married next month, Unemployment and my son being at that stage in his life where he wants to destroy EVERYTHING (3y.o.), My fat ass has managed to get up to 240. Yes, thats right, in just 2 months I gained 20 lbs. Thank god that it only took 2 months for me to degrade, realize it, and get back on track. So here are my current stats:
24 y.o.
Probably around 25% BF (Im lean at 190lbs)
Here is the cycle Started 3/7:
Week 1- 500mgs Crystallized DNP
Week 2- 750mgs Crystallized DNP
Week 3- 750mgs Crystallized DNP
If blood pressure, Heart rate and Internal temp permit, ketoacidosis, etc:
Week 4- G Crystallized DNP
(In past cycles while on higher dosages I have had problems with BP being OVER the roof. Like nose bleeds, pounding headaches, dizziness, etc.)
Supporting supps:
Clen to mobilize the fat.
Curcumin mobilize the fat.
T3 to keep the thyroid optimal.
Multi V
EFA complex
Keto on hand for rash. Never had a problem though.
Training is going to go back to a BB style 3 day split. Also MMA 3 days a week. I have been doing strictly strength routines for almost a year now. So this will be a nice change of pace. doing lower reps with higher weights on DNP kills me...
Diet is going to be 33/33/33
Protein mainly from chicken and ground beef.
Fats mainly from fish, nuts and oils.
Carbs mainly from fruit, oats, rice and sweat potatoes.
* as of my start date of 3/7
Current temp is 98.01
Current BP 122/84
Goals: Obviously Im looking to get this 20lbs off that I just abruptly put on but in the grand scheme of things Im looking to get down to 190lbs by about July, At this point I want to maintain till about August and give my body a break from losing weight and make sure i maintain homeostasis. Then after a blood test and a good checkup, im going to jump on my first cycle of gear.
I will be updating once every couple of days unless anyone wants to know something sooner.
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