DNP log, Why not...


It seems like there is a lot of interest about DNP but not too many people ON THIS BOARD doing it. Figured I would post up my cycle for shits and grins. I want to say 3 things.

1, if at any point this turns into a "your stupid for doing DNP" or anything like that I will stop the log. I dong need this. Im doing this for the others that DNP peaks there interest.

2, My Body is VERY different when it comes to how it reacts to drugs then most people. I have tested this time and time again. For instance, Novocaine at the highest dose given still leaves me with 100% feeling. My body just works weird on drugs. So if you have questions on anything im doing that may seem odd just ask. There is probably a method to the mayhem.

3, After using some badly under dosed DNP I finally got a LEGIT source. All these doses are right and accurate. I cant say this enough. I dont want to here ''that gram is probably 500mg..."

Before I get into it, im at a pretty weird time in my life. I USUALLY sit at around 215-220 lbs. Im not making excuses but the combination of going back to paramedic school, getting married next month, Unemployment and my son being at that stage in his life where he wants to destroy EVERYTHING (3y.o.), My fat ass has managed to get up to 240. Yes, thats right, in just 2 months I gained 20 lbs. Thank god that it only took 2 months for me to degrade, realize it, and get back on track. So here are my current stats:

24 y.o.
Probably around 25% BF (Im lean at 190lbs)

Here is the cycle Started 3/7:

Week 1- 500mgs Crystallized DNP
Week 2- 750mgs Crystallized DNP
Week 3- 750mgs Crystallized DNP

If blood pressure, Heart rate and Internal temp permit, ketoacidosis, etc:

Week 4- G Crystallized DNP

(In past cycles while on higher dosages I have had problems with BP being OVER the roof. Like nose bleeds, pounding headaches, dizziness, etc.)

Supporting supps:

Clen to mobilize the fat.
Curcumin mobilize the fat.
T3 to keep the thyroid optimal.
Multi V
EFA complex
Keto on hand for rash. Never had a problem though.

Training is going to go back to a BB style 3 day split. Also MMA 3 days a week. I have been doing strictly strength routines for almost a year now. So this will be a nice change of pace. doing lower reps with higher weights on DNP kills me...

Diet is going to be 33/33/33
Protein mainly from chicken and ground beef.
Fats mainly from fish, nuts and oils.
Carbs mainly from fruit, oats, rice and sweat potatoes.

* as of my start date of 3/7
Current temp is 98.01
Current BP 122/84

Goals: Obviously Im looking to get this 20lbs off that I just abruptly put on but in the grand scheme of things Im looking to get down to 190lbs by about July, At this point I want to maintain till about August and give my body a break from losing weight and make sure i maintain homeostasis. Then after a blood test and a good checkup, im going to jump on my first cycle of gear.

I will be updating once every couple of days unless anyone wants to know something sooner.
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So I guess there is a first time for everything. I have never had cramping issues with DNP. I keep my water intake at at least 1.5 gallons a day but usually hit 2. Today was no different. I just got out of the gym with the worse cramping I have ever had. I swear at one point my pinky toe was cramping up, no bullshit.

I think I may try to either A, up my potassium all around or B, just up it on MMA and Lifting days.
2 more days till my first bump in dosage.

My blood pressure is currently up to 140/P. Im going to keep monitoring it daily and look into getting some more supporting supps like garlic and CoQ10. I am also going to up my EFAs an extra few grams per day.

I will post a "1 week in weight" update this Monday the 14.
Starting weight was approx 240lbs

Right now im sitting at 232lbs.

So far at 500mg Im really only sweating a little at night, and profusely at MMA. Not even sweating that much after carbs.

Will be bumping it up to 750mg's today.

On a side note, my Fiancée woke up cold early this morning to find me next to here spread out in just boxers. she thought i was cold and put this heavy ass wool military blanket on me. to say the least I didn't wake up dry...
Current BP is sitting at 140/100. diastolic went up a bit but thats to be expected. Just wondering why they didn't go up together. A little strange but W/E.
Nice log! Sometimes I will cramp and sometimes I wont. Im not sure what the variable is, but I take a lot more ancillaries since DNP is more harsh for women.
So Last Monday I bumped it up to 750mg and got to thinking. with the first loss of 8lbs of something (fat, water, whatever,) I wonder how my body would do continuing the 500mg and waiting to bump. So Thats what I did. Tuesday-yesterday/Sunday I went back down to a manageable 500mgs.

Last week I clocked in at 232lbs
This morning im sitting at 228lbs

I may end up extending the whole cycle an extra week. Im really in experimental mode on this one. I have done a few other cycles of DNP where I stayed real strict to my plan. This time I really want to just listen to my body and how I feel and go from there.

Blood pressure is steady at around 142/P

This week I WILL be bumping it to 750. Well see how it goes.
keep it up man. Any new plans or goals with it? Peoples goals change all the time after they see a nice change. Was seeing if you planned on just keeping it going for another week. Or possibly even longer.
I was going to run a minimum of 4 weeks no matter what. After I decided to run two weeks at 500mgs I started thinking possibly 5 weeks. we will see.

I have had some long time goals and time lines for myself. I always said that I would wait till I was 25 till I do my first cycle of gear. I also said I would be below 13% BF before I did my first cycle. Then When I planned my wedding I said I was going to do my cycle right after I got married.

So It all Came together. This year I turn 25, This year (next month) I get married, All I have left to do is get my BF down.

I think the change in diet, change in lifting protocol and the fact that its starting to get nice in Chicago will all make it easy to reach my last goal. Oh yea, the DNP will help too :)
So had a little weirdness happen today. day 2 of 750mgs. didnt really sweat much at all last night. Woke up and after my son goes to preschool my fiancée and I usually go for about a half hour of low intensity fasted cardio. We both had a shit load of homework to do so we skipped today. I didnt feel bad since I have MMA tonight. Anyways I got done with HW sooner then I thought so I busted out the jump rope for about 20 minutes. worked up a good sweat. I gave it about 15 minutes and decided to take my Blood pressure.

Now I know that a 15 minute break would allow my BP time to drop down but not only did it drop, but it was back towards its normal range of 122/82. How the hell do I go from 500mgs of DNP and a BP in the 140s to 750mgs of DNP and its back down in the 120's after exercise?

Hell, I aint complaining. Its just a little strange. Im gong to take my BP before bed and see what its at out of sheer curiosity. High BP is really the only thing that I worry about while taking tha D.
Not much new to report on. Blood pressure is still low. Amazing how that works. I will say that my appetite is through the fucking roof. But every time I get mad hungry in between meals I just max on boiled chicken breast or boiled eggs so Im not really worried about it. The munchies im getting is defiantly on par with smoking some dope. That bad...
Well I was out of town yesterday and couldnt get a weigh in so its a day late.

Bad news is im "only" down 4 pounds.

Last week I clocked in at 228lbs
This morning im sitting at 224lbs

Good news is I can defiantly start to tell im holding water. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I was not able to drink as much water the past 3 days as I like. So im feeling bloated and watery.

Got one more week bare minimum. Would I'm going to continue on 750mg till tomorrow then up it to a gram on Thursday. Run a G till prolly Tuesday or Wednesday then most likely call it a wrap. Putting me at about a 4.5 week cycle. If by some chance I feel good/not like death at a G I will run the G till the following Monday making it a solid 5 week run. But that all depends on how I feel.

At this point If I can end the DNP at around 215lbs then after 2 weeks of getting rid of some water be down to 210lbs I would be pleased. We shell see how it goes.
DNP is some serious stuff. Nice log. I haven't ran a cycle of DNP in a good 3-4 years or so and i still have a TON left. I just started my cutting cycle but I'm going with clen this time around. I feel too drained and tired on DNP. I also don't want to jeopardize any strength, which seemed to drop slightly on my previous DNP cycles.

With that said, best of luck!! I will be following!!!!
Thanks T2.

The past couple days have been rough. I have really been getting hot. I guess ever since I bumped it up to a Grizam. Im going to try and hold out on the G till Wednesday like planned but I dont know. My BP shot up to 160/100 so im trying to chill out.

on a side note, My boss asked me to come back to work after being laid off for 1.5 years so I may be sitting in an office again. I will really have to get my Diet dialed to get where I want to be.

The (not so) dramatic conclusion of this log is nearly here. I will update again on Thursday after I stop the D then again one week later to see how the water retention is.

Be good everyone.