eca helps with the [ hangover feel ] but its not a cure , i also tend to feel bloated on dnp as far as i know that is not common but im pretty sure its true on me because i do loose a few more pounds after stopping dnp , i also agree with low doses [ 200 ] for longer cycles instead of the heavy short blitzes , but yes the yellow loads are interestingTxLonghorn said:Well, I think the most knowledgeable guy about this is andy13 (since dnp guru is no longer on the boards - sniff sniff-), but I'll tell you my thoughts.
1. I never believed this, nor do I believe in the anabolic burst you get upon cessation of dnp. I think your depleted muscles are ready to supercompensate with glycogen...just like during a ckd diet.
2. When I've done this, that's when I start. Talk about yellow loads, lol.
3. I typically go with 200mg/day for about 7 days. You can certainly take it for longer, it just gets mentally tiring for me after a week.
in the famous words of Al Boreland [ I DONT THINK SO TIM ]JohnyJuice said:Alright, who wants to mail me some DNP??
Will trade money for it. So technically you arent selling it.
DADAWG said:in the famous words of Al Boreland [ I DONT THINK SO TIM ]
im not sure bro but i think dnp doesant have a long shelf life , i know the color starts to change pretty fastbiganth said:Ive had 50 caps sitting in my cupboard for months,still unsure wether to use them or not......doing it the hard way at the moment....Diet,cardio,T3 and Thermorexin.
Lateralus said:So is there any merit to using it during a cycle? I was thinking about using it toward the end. If not, I'll just use it afterward and see how things work out.