Do u believe EQ or HGH for healing repairing cartilage, connective tissue etc?


New member
I have read the long article posted on this board, as well as all over the web about EQ,deca, Anavar (var), hgh for healing. I have been told that I have arthrosis in my shoulder--from wear and tear/ overuse. I feel like I need a boost of test right now, but also want to head this off before its a permanent routine altering pattern that starts me down the path of "Well, I use to..." (fuck hat) Do you guys believe the article? I only have so much to get some gear, so weighing ordering/gambling on ordering gh from mother China, or ordering some T and EQ from a stateside source. Right now it will probably have to be one or the other.

So, Chinee gh (blue top specials) @ 2-4i.u. ed

or Test, (either Sustanon (sust) or E--i want to cut up some--but have concern abt cyp --(seperate post) ) @ 125 mg/wk and EQ @ 400 mg/wk.

Any input appreciated.
Thanks for responding. I want to get a bump of T, but will have to be low dose according to the article, so as not to inhibit collagen synthesis. Why I was wondering if any opinion on which is better--questionable/roll the dice on chinee gh, or t and eq to get the job done.
Definitely dont want any WEENY problems on top of injury--but can i run deca in tandem with a low dose of T without problems?

"Ha! he said WEENY!"
Dont meen to hijack, but this is rellevant... Deca for degenerated discs in lumbar area? Yay or no..will it help?
EQ increases overall collagen synthesis while HGH increases collagen synthesis BUT acts directly on matrix remodeling of tendons. This means it increases the density of tendon collagen fibrils. Nandrolone also does this. Any compound that upregulates collagen production (ex. EQ, anavar, primobolan) will help to repair some components of joints but they are very weak in comparison to something like HGH or nandrolone. The only compound you should avoid for tendon repair is winstrol because it compensates by pulling the fibers opposite the force vector.

Basically imagine you're having a bad hair day. Your hair is going against the way it normally should. This is what winstrol does to your tendon fibers. HGH and nandrolone do the opposite by realigning them.
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I have read the long article posted on this board, as well as all over the web about EQ,deca, Anavar (var), hgh for healing. I have been told that I have arthrosis in my shoulder--from wear and tear/ overuse. I feel like I need a boost of test right now, but also want to head this off before its a permanent routine altering pattern that starts me down the path of "Well, I use to..." (fuck hat) Do you guys believe the article? I only have so much to get some gear, so weighing ordering/gambling on ordering gh from mother China, or ordering some T and EQ from a stateside source. Right now it will probably have to be one or the other.

So, Chinee gh (blue top specials) @ 2-4i.u. ed

or Test, (either Sustanon (sust) or E--i want to cut up some--but have concern abt cyp --(seperate post) ) @ 125 mg/wk and EQ @ 400 mg/wk.

Any input appreciated.

No reason to buy hgh unless you are going to buy "good hgh". I wouldnt risk buying any gh unless its riptropins or human grade gh. Second, you said you have a limited budget. You also said it will either be the eq/test or the hgh. HGH is not going to help unless you commit to a long term protocol. Therefore HGH is still going to be far more expensive. If you plan on running HGH, plan on a 6month cycle, atleast.
Also, have you read the TB500 logs here on ology? I think you should look them up. TB500 has been helpful for some other members with shoulder issues.
Hope this helps.
Agree on the cation with hgh. UNLESS YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SURE your source is an honest person don't risk the money. People get ripped off on that stuff ALL the time.
Thanks for all the replies--Ive been going in circles, staying up late emailing china..weighing what will work, whats most cost effective, all the what ifs----As far as ordering the gh--Id be risking about $130 but really without a verified source, there is nothing to do but order and see.
If it was good i would continue to order ea mo. at that price.

That being said, I think for now will stick to the EQ and T.
Hi RamJam,

as i have a similar issue (chondromalacia patella, plus a small bulge in my lower back) wanted to ask you if you followed the test/deca protocol (or test/eq) others suggetsed and what is your results ...

i have some Anavar and Dbol and wanted to start a short cycle to see how it goes, but if you had real success i could give deca a chance ... Reason for avavar is cause its simpler to take (no pins) and easier PCT ...

Can u run blood work so you are sure you have real hgh? And will the ugl make good on it if you show them the blood work if the gh proves to not be any good. If yes to both then u can buy hgh. If no then don't buy it. And you will have to run it for a long time. One kit won't be enough.
Also after your test deca cycle be ready to have the injury/pain return. The chances of it actually 100% healing you is low. And if you lift heavy because you feel strong then you may cause more injury. Possibly.
Deca will not heal. It will decrease pain in joins by increasing fluid. It's like oiling a rusty hinge. The problem is once you stop taking deca the lubricating fluid will go away and the pain will return.
hgh is a shitty market. alot of crap out there... alot of peps sold at hgh i (if your lucky) . i would go with tb500 and a light teste/deca cycle unless your 1000000% sure on the hgh. even if you are, tb500 is what i rec
Holy thread resurrection, Batman!

There are medical studies proving HGH will repair and strengthen connective tissues, but making sure you have quality HGH is the issue. As hijacked said, you need to find a source that will replace your HGH if you take a blood test and it shows it to be bunk. I know PSL will actually reimburse you (in store credit) for any blood tests you take. I suspect you would need to talk to a PSL rep before doing the test, just to make sure it is something they still do. They will also want the results posted in the forum - good or bad.

For spot healing, TB500 is one of the best things out there. It is an altered version of TB4, concentrating on the healing properties. It does not need to be injected at the wound site - the body automatically sends it to any area of inflammation. Pretty nifty stuff.

There is also Pal-GHK. It is supposed to do a host of things, but many of them involve healing. Running Pal-GHK along side TB500 should give a great synergistic effect. I have some Pal-GHK on order and will do a log of it when I receive it. I have a lot of issues in my neck and I am hoping it will aid in my recovery. I have three bulging discs (one is very severe) and one of the exit pathways for a nerve bundle is closed off completely, pinching the nerve. This is the root cause of my right arm issues that have been plaguing me for months now.

There are two versions of Pal-GHK, the copper and the non-copper version. Medical studies show that if you use the non-copper version, it will actually leach copper out of your blood stream due to its super high affinity for copper. The studies all recommend the copper version. PSL sells the copper version, which is what I am going to use. It can get pricy, depending on how long you want to run it and how many doses a day you are going to use (it has a very short half-life), but is still very cheap compared to HGH.
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I am currently on hgh to help with tendons in my elbows. I bought blue tops which sucked and did nothing. Then yellow tops which sucked even harder. I finally broke down and spend the money (a lot of money) for pharmacy hgh and it does work. There are good generics out there just not as many as there are bunk.
gh for sure. deca over eq imo..

been on deca for 8 months and joints feel amazing. felt dry as fuck before. all lubed up now.

currently running a log on mk-677 and bpc-157 on this very subject over at my site.

tb-500 for sure helps as well.
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