drawing from amp...


anyone use an amp opener and pull of the needle and draw into the syringe from the top of the amp into the syringe....then put on the needle and inject? i did this because my omna did not like drawing into the needle...it leaves fine with some pressure....

I'm not sure what you are asking here exactly, but with amps I just crack em open, stick the needle in and draw out the solution, then change pins and inject.
grafix-gnc said:
why change pins? you would be loosing a little bit that is still in the needle....

Not if you use proper technique. Your supposed to pull back quickly a few times so it sucks everything out of it, thae when it is totally empty take it off and put a fresh one on that is not dulled from touching the bottom of the amp. You dont have to do this, its just for comfort.
I have a ton of 23g, so that is what i am using...i take the needle end off of the syringe and draw that way....could i get away with running the amp under warm water to make it easier to draw and leave the needle on...i also swab the needle after putting it back on and inject away....

Drawing from amp.

Hey guys,

Did anyone here ever try the upside down trick? I just learned that you can actually draw water and oil based things from amps upside down after you break the top. Pretty cool and effortless, actuallt easier than drwing the regular way for me.

Re: Drawing from amp.

RaynMela said:
Hey guys,

Did anyone here ever try the upside down trick? I just learned that you can actually draw water and oil based things from amps upside down after you break the top. Pretty cool and effortless, actuallt easier than drwing the regular way for me.


HUH !! ....................if you break the top off the amp & turn it upside-down, the solution will fall out, right.......what am I missing ???
Re: Re: Drawing from amp.

StoneColdNTO said:
HUH !! ....................if you break the top off the amp & turn it upside-down, the solution will fall out, right.......what am I missing ???

Exactly what I was thinking.........Doesnt make sense. He must mean vial.
NO nNO NO... I meant AMPULE guys, seriously. I learned and EVEN tried it and it works for both OIL and WATER based substances. ONce you break open the ampule you quickly turn it upside down, if you do it too slow it will spill out while on its side. What Ihappens is a pocket of air will be holding the liquid/oil keeping it from falling out of the ampule when its upside down, and you can draw it out supside down, just make sure your needlepoint isnt past the oil/water or else you will suck up the air behind it THEN causing it to drop from the ampule.


PS: Im a nursing student (DONT LAUGH!) and have just learned tinjections so they taught us this as well, my classmates were pretty amazed at how much I knew about giving Injections and drawing them out.....LOL
This goes against everything I every learned in physics class about air pressure, but hey......you learn something new everyday.

Golden_Muscle.....you give 'er a try and let me know how it works for you, LOL !!
RaynMela said:
NO nNO NO... I meant AMPULE guys, seriously. I learned and EVEN tried it and it works for both OIL and WATER based substances. ONce you break open the ampule you quickly turn it upside down, if you do it too slow it will spill out while on its side. What Ihappens is a pocket of air will be holding the liquid/oil keeping it from falling out of the ampule when its upside down, and you can draw it out supside down, just make sure your needlepoint isnt past the oil/water or else you will suck up the air behind it THEN causing it to drop from the ampule.


PS: Im a nursing student (DONT LAUGH!) and have just learned tinjections so they taught us this as well, my classmates were pretty amazed at how much I knew about giving Injections and drawing them out.....LOL

Ha, yeah, maybe if its frozen oil! lol! Sorry, I just cant believe this.
StoneColdNTO said:
This goes against everything I every learned in physics class about air pressure, but hey......you learn something new everyday.

Golden_Muscle.....you give 'er a try and let me know how it works for you, LOL !!

Bwahahaha, you first!:D
Golden_Muscle said:
Bwahahaha, you first!:D

Do you two need someone to chew your food for you, too? :D

Seriously, being as I don't mind taking the chance on it, and I could see where this would work (ever had to stand there flicking that damn thing a zillion times to get the oil out of the top?)... I might give it a try.

How many want me to try this? :)
SometimesGood said:
Do you two need someone to chew your food for you, too? :D

Seriously, being as I don't mind taking the chance on it, and I could see where this would work (ever had to stand there flicking that damn thing a zillion times to get the oil out of the top?)... I might give it a try.

How many want me to try this? :)

To get the oil out of the top, simply 1. turn the amp upside down, 2. very slowly turn the amp right side up.

Whats the problem? Try it right now........No flicking required........
SometimesGood said:
Do you two need someone to chew your food for you, too? :D

Seriously, being as I don't mind taking the chance on it, and I could see where this would work (ever had to stand there flicking that damn thing a zillion times to get the oil out of the top?)... I might give it a try.

How many want me to try this? :)

I'll leave your first comment alone...........but..........

As far as your statement about flicking the amp to get the oil out of the top, ever think that might be because there is positive air pressure in the amp. Break off the top and try it and see what happens.

SometimesGood Advice....SometimesBad Advice, LOL !!
Golden_Muscle said:
To get the oil out of the top, simply 1. turn the amp upside down, 2. very slowly turn the amp right side up.

Whats the problem? Try it right now........No flicking required........

Did you try this technique yet? Its a good one.........
well.....what happens when you start to run out of oil??? The pin will eventually go back behind the oil/water and suck the air out causing the rest to spill right? I think I'm seriously missing something here.