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Hey guys, don't worry I'M NOT REALLY GONNA DO THIS CYCLE. Maybe one day faaar down the road when I'm rich enough to and have either had kids or no longer plan on having them and maybe want to compete. And would be ready for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) after prob. And could afford gyno surgery after if I needed it. Well here it dream cycle:
Bulking Phase 6-8 months (or however freaking long I wanted to!!
1-1.5 grams of test a week
600-800mg EQ
400-600mg deca
4-6 IUs of growth
Every four weeks I'd run an bulking oral (50mg d-bol or drol) then a week off (light workouts, new routine and recovery), then 4 weeks of slin (20 IUs 4-5 days a week on the days I train, split between morn and postworkout), then a week break then an oral again, and so on...
Cutting Phase 3-4 months
100mg tren ED
150mg prop ED
100mg primo ED
6-8 IUs of growth (if i could handle it) ED
600-800mg EQ a week
last 8 weeks
50mg Winstrol (winny) (zambons) ED
40-50mg var
T3 pyramid if I felt needed it
as much ana or letro as I needed while bulking and aromasin while cutting, maybe a few Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) runs in there and at the end clomid out the wazoo if I even wanted to try to recover (vs just going on HRT)
And since I would be rich, I'd have a ton of nice supplements, plenty of great protien powder, MRPs, weight gainers, rALA, milk thistle, CLA, glutamine, creatine, Powerdrive, and some EC stack for the occasional prewokout boost.
Yeah, that's about it, a bit excessive, but hey it's my dream cycle
Bulking Phase 6-8 months (or however freaking long I wanted to!!

1-1.5 grams of test a week
600-800mg EQ
400-600mg deca
4-6 IUs of growth
Every four weeks I'd run an bulking oral (50mg d-bol or drol) then a week off (light workouts, new routine and recovery), then 4 weeks of slin (20 IUs 4-5 days a week on the days I train, split between morn and postworkout), then a week break then an oral again, and so on...
Cutting Phase 3-4 months
100mg tren ED
150mg prop ED
100mg primo ED
6-8 IUs of growth (if i could handle it) ED
600-800mg EQ a week
last 8 weeks
50mg Winstrol (winny) (zambons) ED
40-50mg var
T3 pyramid if I felt needed it
as much ana or letro as I needed while bulking and aromasin while cutting, maybe a few Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) runs in there and at the end clomid out the wazoo if I even wanted to try to recover (vs just going on HRT)
And since I would be rich, I'd have a ton of nice supplements, plenty of great protien powder, MRPs, weight gainers, rALA, milk thistle, CLA, glutamine, creatine, Powerdrive, and some EC stack for the occasional prewokout boost.
Yeah, that's about it, a bit excessive, but hey it's my dream cycle