Drinking alcohol while on Tbol.


Chairman of the Bored
So I am currently on a cycle of 50mg of Tbol ED and 700mg of Test E per week. In two weeks I will be on a group trip to Nashville. This trip happens every year and is a 4 day boozefest. Can someone with experience tell me what could happen to my liver and how much is actually safe to drink? I was not planning on this trip this year and now am going, but don't want to waste 2-3 weeks of Tbol use and just up and abort. Not looking for bro science or what you heard from a guy who knows a guy. Looking for input from someone who has been there and if there would truly be anything to worry about. Never used orals before so have no clue and my liver should be very healthy. Thanks!
Honest man its not the best idea but you wont die lol .. they are both liver toxic ... never had levels checked after drinking but im sure u will be fine ... i find the worst part about it if and when i do it ... especially on tren ... i get bad depression spikes when i drink and am on gear .. especially the next day ... not good mixing hormones with uppers and stuff
Kinda my thought on it as well. Is it smart? No. Will I live? Absolutely. I have never had any depression issues or anything, and am always "good time Charlie" when drinking....even on my heaviest cycles. Only question would be if there is any physical discomfort, pain, or obvious issues like skin or eyes turning yellow etc.
I would advise against it. I do have a cup of sangria (don't judge me) at times even when on cycle. I think that drinking excessively is much more damaging to the liver than any of the oral steroids out there (except cheque drops and halo). When running tbol I would say that drinking is asking for trouble, and do you really want to wake up in the morning with the whites of your eyes looking yellow and crippling side pain. Not worth it imo.
Never had anything like that .. nothing physical like that ... but like i said ... i never had depression issues ever either .. but when on tren specificly ... if i drink ... sometimes the next day im so down and shitty feeling .. its horrible . nothing else more then that maybe besides maybe dry skin sometimes!
Couldn't you just hold off on the Tbol while you're on the trip and use a liver support to keep it happy from all the alcohol while you're there then pick up where you left off afterwards. My thinking is if you're gonna be boozing the whole trip anyways you might as well quit taking the Tbol while you're there as its not really doing much for you besides making your liver work harder. I have no experience with orals though so I'm just throwing out suggestions.
I would stop the T'bol a week before your trip, take 1800mg NAC daily up until, during, and a week after your trip with the lads, and then pick up where you left off with T'bol - I most definitely wouldn't combine the T'bol and the booze simultaneously.
I would stop the T'bol a week before your trip, take 1800mg NAC daily up until, during, and a week after your trip with the lads, and then pick up where you left off with T'bol - I most definitely wouldn't combine the T'bol and the booze simultaneously.

So with Tbol, you can stop for a week and start back up with no loss or issues? I guess I was thinking like Test or most anything else and that you don't want to stop taking it once you start. What is HAC?
You'll be fine! Not ideal by any means and it will take
You back a few notches but not end of the world . I drink 1 or 2 times a week all the way until 1 week before shows. Now, be careful on howich you
Drink. Don't get hammered buddy. But a few drinks not
Going to do anything .
T Bol s not AS toxic; but is to some degree but as BS say s if u practice moderation in all u do....

" the key to happiness"---Aristotle or Socrates alway s get me confused
It was Aristotle. He said "moderation in all things." But Aristotle never got shitfaced in Nashville with my friends!
What is HAC?

HAC? Don't know... I said NAC... which is N-Acetyl Cysteine - a potent liver protectant.

Re: Barry Sanders comment... I agree - but only if you're having a few drinks. In your OP, you said 4 day boozefest - which to me screams of more than just a couple of beers. Just my opinion, but if this really is a 4 day bender, your liver is gonna have enough to cope with, with the beer, spirits and shots - to worry about the T'Bol too.

You only get one liver mate! - Be smart about it!
It is definitely more than just a few drinks. It is shots and drink flowing all day for several days. I will follow your suggestion, Ben.