eating at work


New member
Do you ever catch shit from your co-workers for eating hard boiled eggs or tuna etc at work?

I started working today, just dont have a desk for 2 weeks so sharing a desk so gotta find a way to eat.

There is a pantry so i may just go there when i want a meal and down it. Got any suggestions for a quick fix that i can down in the pantry?

ANy suggestions guys?
mister69 said:
Do you ever catch shit from your co-workers for eating hard boiled eggs or tuna etc at work?

I started working today, just dont have a desk for 2 weeks so sharing a desk so gotta find a way to eat.

There is a pantry so i may just go there when i want a meal and down it. Got any suggestions for a quick fix that i can down in the pantry?

ANy suggestions guys?
do you have a lunch/break room? i eat hard boiled eggs and tuna at work all the time together. i get messed with/teased but no one really makes me feel bad about it. they know/undersand why i eat the way i do. however a good size lunch box filled with MRP shakes and other foods easy on the olfactory senses maybe neccassary, till they understand what your doin or until you get your own desk.
I catch hell all the time about stinking up the place with my tuna. I started carrying a shaker full of whey and 1 cup of oats with me, I can down it in a couple of minutes. Maybe some deli sliced turkey sandwiches.
Tsaunders said:
I always mcrrowave my chicken refrigerate it, and bring it to work, quick protein

I use to do that last summer, i always brought leftovers/ordered food.

Portuguese BBQ chicken with round potatoes and rice is a fav.. :yumyum:

Bring a empty shaker with protein already inside, at lunch/break go to the kitchen and mix with water/milk..
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most bags of it are relsealable.

get some breath mints too.
I eat all day at work, the owner of our firm put a refrigerator in my office just for me. I also brush my teeth about 10 times a day-nobody wants to smell food on someone's breath.
I usually take a tuna salad in a lunch box and a shaker with Whey Protein. I get a lot of shit from my managers - only light hearted mind you - about how soon I'll have bitch tits and tiny balls from the roids, even though they've only seen a Whey shaker!
i catch shit all the time , just getting poked at for all the food i bring, and its not near what i should be eating.

I had a huge lunchpale and everyone calls me the diaper bag boy now becuase its about that size but hey, They don't train.

Eat eat eat.