egg beaters


New member
can i drink egg beaters? i really dont have time in the morning,drinking it would suck but also save time. thanks
Are you guys just drinking them raw? Are egg beaters just egg whites with flavor?

I think I've had them before but I found them much too salty.
The egg beaters I had tasted like the smell of pumkin. Which really freaked out out lol I had to plug my nose and chase them with juice the taste was that funky. BEWARE egg beaters will give you nasty farts.
egg beaters arn't raw.. they are pasturized... semi-cooked at 150degrees... raw eggs are only 75% bioavailable.. pasturized eggs are 95%... and less chance of food born illness...

should be an easy choice
the thought of drinking egg beaters, god bless you !!! You can nuke them in a microwave for a minute. Not much better than drinking but at least you can chew them.
i dont even taste egg anymore.. it's like water to me..

but then again, i can chug 12oz of liquid in under 5 seconds... kinda makes it easier for me