estrogen levels when to check it up


New member
ok my second cycle
finished 3 weeks
now in on the 4 week

Test E 650MG EW 1-12
Dbol 40MG ED 1-6
Arimidex 1-15 0.5mg X3 a week

nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/100/50/50

now i have the questions..
when should i check my E2 levels now? [started now my 4 week]
or should i wait..? [i dont want to wait i thinking about doing it tomorrow give me ur opinion please]

When are you dropping the dbol? Because your e2 will drop when you do that as well, so I'd test for e2 after the dbols all cleared..
two more weeks... i dont want to wait so long...
i afraid of high estrogen...

Well put it this way. If you got blood drawn today, and got your results today, then adjusted your AI to fit whatever your e2 level is at you would only be on a correct protocol for two weeks. As soon as you drop the dbol your AI dose will have to be lowered, and then your just guessing again as to whether it's going to be too high or too low. By six weeks your test should have stabilized so about then is when you'd really want to look at dialing in... higher estrogen than normal for two more weeks isn't going to kill you. Your best off waiting til the dbols cleared and dialing in for the last (and longer) part of your cycle.
i dont mind about taking two blood works.. i dont afraid of needles or somthing my health is way more important then "throwing" 1 hour getting it done..
so i guess ill do tomorrow Blood work
and in week 6 another one as u said and will play with the Adex acording to the results yeah?

and another question please
im on week 3 as i said
and when i touch my nippls i dont feel any Bump even if i pinch them..
and if i touch my nipples with my both hands i dont feel pain too
i feel a little bit of burning feeling in my right nipple dont know if its in my mind or somthing..
cus my Dbol is not that high and my Adex is dosed well [Its 100% medical too]
i dont mind about taking two blood works.. i dont afraid of needles or somthing my health is way more important then "throwing" 1 hour getting it done..
so i guess ill do tomorrow Blood work
and in week 6 another one as u said and will play with the Adex acording to the results yeah?

and another question please
im on week 3 as i said
and when i touch my nippls i dont feel any Bump even if i pinch them..
and if i touch my nipples with my both hands i dont feel pain too
i feel a little bit of burning feeling in my right nipple dont know if its in my mind or somthing..
cus my Dbol is not that high and my Adex is dosed well [Its 100% medical too]

Get your second blood drawn about a week after you finish the dbol. 4 days is probably enough, but a week will do. Yes, then adjust adex based on your result.

Probably all in your head brother. Stop playing with your nipples, it's only going to make you think things are bad lol. There is no need to play with them. If your developing gyno they'll generally get quite itchy/sore and you will feel a hard lump behind the nipple. Itchiness doesn't mean all that much though, so basically don't worry unless you actually feel a lump. You'll be fine.