ever feel stronger after eating "junk" food?


New member
ok..I'm not referring to a bag of m m's and a box of doughnuts w jelly. I eat very clean, as close to unprocessed as possible. I've been feeling lethargic/weaker and weaker recently, and leaning out, for no reason..not even doing cardio.

well, i said f...k this, got a jar of natl pb...I haven't had pb in almost a year, and craving like crazy, I went through this in 3 days, and I've been eating in the middle of the night when I wake up at 3am hungry
I've been eating more fatty but unprocessed foods, w/out sugar. I definitely feel better this week. I think this splurge may have been anabolic in some way, but I don't plan on continuing this eating pattern
dieting always makes you tired since your always derpriving your body of something, usually fat but with the fat comes other things. Once you eat alot of whatever your body gets everything it needs, but along with that you get an excess which in turn reults in you holding more wieght and putting one fat.
'tensity said:
Oh man, don't avoid that natty PB, good stuff. Great source of fats. Always a staple in my diet.

No it isn't. It's a very rich source of omega SIX fatty acids. The exact opposite of what almost everyone needs. Not to mention there is probably a decent phytic acid content since they're legumes...that means it inhibits the uptake of certain nutrients.
diesel said:
ok..I'm not referring to a bag of m m's and a box of doughnuts w jelly. I eat very clean, as close to unprocessed as possible. I've been feeling lethargic/weaker and weaker recently, and leaning out, for no reason..not even doing cardio.

well, i said f...k this, got a jar of natl pb...I haven't had pb in almost a year, and craving like crazy, I went through this in 3 days, and I've been eating in the middle of the night when I wake up at 3am hungry
I've been eating more fatty but unprocessed foods, w/out sugar. I definitely feel better this week. I think this splurge may have been anabolic in some way, but I don't plan on continuing this eating pattern

Sounds like your body needs more fat. How about adding more animal fat to your diet and see what happens? It could increase testosterone levels, which could be VERY anabolic.
Frosty said:
No it isn't. It's a very rich source of omega SIX fatty acids. The exact opposite of what almost everyone needs. Not to mention there is probably a decent phytic acid content since they're legumes...that means it inhibits the uptake of certain nutrients.

Actually it is. The amount of PA necessary to begin prohibiting such uptake isn't present in an entire jar of natty PB, which most people don't eat in one sitting anyhow. ALL fats are needed for fat soluable vitamin/mineral uptake, production of hormones, regulation of the nervous system and numerous physiological functions. Having a complete efa profile is critical. The promotion of high density lipoprotein and reduction of low density lipoprotein is also facilitated, though Omega 3 is prime there.

And while the argument always surfaces that many people get enough 6 from diet alone, in this community there are usually two factors that limit the conversion of LA to GLA: sugar intake and cholesterol, unless one is eating strictly clean all the time and monitoring these two factors regularly. Additionally, especially, both 3 and 6 are needed to produce the PG series 1 and 2s for a host of normal body functioning, even without making physical demands on the body like many here do.
'tensity said:
Actually it is. The amount of PA necessary to begin prohibiting such uptake isn't present in an entire jar of natty PB, which most people don't eat in one sitting anyhow. ALL fats are needed for fat soluable vitamin/mineral uptake, production of hormones, regulation of the nervous system and numerous physiological functions. Having a complete efa profile is critical. The promotion of high density lipoprotein and reduction of low density lipoprotein is also facilitated, though Omega 3 is prime there.

And while the argument always surfaces that many people get enough 6 from diet alone, in this community there are usually two factors that limit the conversion of LA to GLA: sugar intake and cholesterol, unless one is eating strictly clean all the time and monitoring these two factors regularly. Additionally, especially, both 3 and 6 are needed to produce the PG series 1 and 2s for a host of normal body functioning, even without making physical demands on the body like many here do.

Do you have a source for the info on the phytic acid?

The point is not about people getting enough, it's that it totally throws off the omega-3 to 6 ratio that is needed for proper prostanglandin production. Omega-6 produce inflamation (which is needed) and omega-3 reduce inflamation, so if the ratios are off from the natural 1:1 ratio that so often found in natural foods (meat, eggs, etc), and the omega-6s are much higher, then that can cause problems.

Since most natural foods that people eat now do not have the correct 1:1 omega 3 to 6 ratio, then they're off to a negative start to begin with. Store bought eggs can have a ratio as bad as 1:20 (3:6 fats)!! So this is where fish oil can come in so handy - to help restore normal ratios of 3 to 6 in the diet. But when you add in foods that are very high in omega-6, such as peanut butter or vegetable oils, then this ratio is thrown off even worse, and this is not healthy.
'tensity said:
Actually it is. The amount of PA necessary to begin prohibiting such uptake isn't present in an entire jar of natty PB, which most people don't eat in one sitting anyhow. ALL fats are needed for fat soluable vitamin/mineral uptake, production of hormones, regulation of the nervous system and numerous physiological functions. Having a complete efa profile is critical. The promotion of high density lipoprotein and reduction of low density lipoprotein is also facilitated, though Omega 3 is prime there.

And while the argument always surfaces that many people get enough 6 from diet alone, in this community there are usually two factors that limit the conversion of LA to GLA: sugar intake and cholesterol, unless one is eating strictly clean all the time and monitoring these two factors regularly. Additionally, especially, both 3 and 6 are needed to produce the PG series 1 and 2s for a host of normal body functioning, even without making physical demands on the body like many here do.

Another thing to consider.

You mention that there are usually two factors that limit the conversion of LA (linoleic acid) to GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) - sugar consumption and cholesterol.

I'm assuming that you mean you should increase the consumption of omega-6 fatty acids because of a poor or inefficient conversion. The problem is, both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids require the delta-6 desaturase enzyme (D6D) to be utilized! So for all those taking flax oil, too much peanut butter and omega-6 in general uses up the D6D enzyme and they can no longer make the conversion of the alpha-linoleic acid (LNA) in flax oil to the EPA required for the series 3 prostanglandins!

Once again, this imbalance creates problems.

It's very true that the body needs fats for many functions, but if people would just eat egg yolks, liver, butter, and other animal fats, then supplement with cod liver oil, then there wouldn't be any problems. This also bypasses the need for the D6D and D5D enzymes (which you noted can be compromised), so you can bypass any issues with the prostaglandin pathways that rely on the D6D and D5D enzymes.

The D6D enzyme isn't only blocked by sugar consuption. Trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated fats inhibit the D6D enzyme, as does excess omega-6. Deficiencies in Biotin, vitamin E, protein, zinc, B12 and B6 interfere with the D6D enzyme. Overeating and malnutrition (notorious in bodybuilders and atheletes), along with alcohol consumption will inhibit the D6D enzyme as well!

Now, one very important part that is missed by many, is the fact that excess LA or LNA (read FLAX OIL) will use up the D6D and D5D enzymes which will effectively shut down the prostaglandin pathway preventing the conversion of these fats into their requires forms!

So excess omega-6 harms omega-3 utilization, while excess of both harms BOTH's utilization.

In short, skip all the goofy plant fats and eat egg yolks, liver, butter, and other animal fat, and supplement your diet with a MODERATE amount of cod liver oil.
yea.. i've been eating clean as to frosty's example.. well, it looks like i was weaker than when i was eating normal stuff. i don't know but i still eat clean.. well, at least most of the time ^__^
hubba hubba said:
yea.. i've been eating clean as to frosty's example.. well, it looks like i was weaker than when i was eating normal stuff. i don't know but i still eat clean.. well, at least most of the time ^__^

You're saying you're weaker eating meat and veggies than you were nibbling on soy chips?
Gimp said:
I'm stronger with lifting, but, slower at moving around and doing cardio if I eat too much animal fat, I can eat a jar per week of PB with no problems

How much is "too much"? What type of animal fat? What foods are you referring to?
Popichulo said:
After I eat like shit, I feel like shit the next day.
i do as well chulo..... but when i carb deplete and then eat shit i get a really nasty pump and veiny.....