Everyone's on Steroids? Even the women?!

I'm a female. I've been properly working out for about 2 years now. I have gained some muscle, but nowhere near any of the women who are popular or "famous" on Instagram.
Katy Hearn, if you know her, has been working out for a simir amount of time and has so much more... Natty, I doubt it.

The more I talk to people & coaches etc, I begin to believe more and more that nearly everyone is taking SOMETHING illegal, if not steroids then clen etc.

What do you think? Even though some of the fitness women don't have lots of muscle, I still feel that the amount they have for how lean they are, and the development in their legs etx must mean they're doing something!!
Anyone who competes is on gear. You cannot compete without it because everyone around you is on something
Look at the people who are on gear and look like complete shit! With that being said, there's no doubt there are many on gear...
I'm vaguely aware of katy, but didn't know that she competed?

The easiest signs of a girl being on something, or having implants in certain places, is their training.
Are they training hard and heavy with progressive overload or are they doing babyweight type stuff? Because a real nattie isn't going to get the glutes & hams of a bikini competitor doing the baby weight stuff - ever.

I will say that thermogenics like clen, etc are not really going to build any noticeable muscle to speak of....they can get you lean but that's about it.
Rip you think michelle lewin is on the sauce?? Shes so sexy id suck a fart out of her ass.
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I'm vaguely aware of katy, but didn't know that she competed?

The easiest signs of a girl being on something, or having implants in certain places, is their training.
Are they training hard and heavy with progressive overload or are they doing babyweight type stuff? Because a real nattie isn't going to get the glutes & hams of a bikini competitor doing the baby weight stuff - ever.

I will say that thermogenics like clen, etc are not really going to build any noticeable muscle to speak of....they can get you lean but that's about it.

Hey zilla you deal with naturals have youvever seen a young girl like 19-20 with extreme genetics? Theres this tgin girl at my gym and she looks so young and innocent. My gut tells me shes on something but at the same time not sure. Her legs are out of this world she looks like a little machine.

Her calves are flawless popped out almost look fake and quads and hamstrings are amazing popped out like crazy. All ive seen her do is cardio but shes got a nice lean body you can see definition in her back. She might even be younger cant call it i just cant picture her doing steroids lol
Hey zilla you deal with naturals have youvever seen a young girl like 19-20 with extreme genetics? Theres this tgin girl at my gym and she looks so young and innocent. My gut tells me shes on something but at the same time not sure. Her legs are out of this world she looks like a little machine.

Her calves are flawless popped out almost look fake and quads and hamstrings are amazing popped out like crazy. All ive seen her do is cardio but shes got a nice lean body you can see definition in her back. She might even be younger cant call it i just cant picture her doing steroids lol
You should put tren in her gatorade and see if she gets tren cough
Rip you think michelle lewin is on the sauce?? Shes so sexy id suck a fart out of her ass.

Considering she's a NPC & IFBB competitor who just last year came 4th in the...tampa pro(?)...I think it would be very, very naïve to think she wasn't on the sauce.

But she also has Latin American genetics - that helps with glutes, hams and stuff.

Hey zilla you deal with naturals have youvever seen a young girl like 19-20 with extreme genetics? Theres this tgin girl at my gym and she looks so young and innocent. My gut tells me shes on something but at the same time not sure. Her legs are out of this world she looks like a little machine.
Her calves are flawless popped out almost look fake and quads and hamstrings are amazing popped out like crazy. All ive seen her do is cardio but shes got a nice lean body you can see definition in her back. She might even be younger cant call it i just cant picture her doing steroids lol

Send me a picture and I'll tell you :)

But seriously, yes I have worked with some women with crazy genetics - 99% of them come from a sports background whether its athletics, gymnastics, Olympic weightlifting, soccer, etc.

IME outside of competing and/or being a fitness model, I doubt women are taking steroids just to be famous on instagram or look good or whatever - butt implants? Yes.
DLB claims natty and I believe her. My other favorite natty is Becca Swanson she has decent strength for a woman.
DlB has some serious masculation of her face. That may not even be a word. But you know what im saying.
DLB claims natty and I believe her. My other favorite natty is Becca Swanson she has decent strength for a woman.

I've met her & her husband at a few expos and I have to say that she's one of the coolest chicks around, which is rare in bodybuilding.
Normally most girls in this world are obsessed with training/diet/compounds and that's it - DLB has a genuine personality and a lot going on for her.

Which is why the natty claims she keeps making is even more infuriating - she doesn't have any sponsors, so why the fuck is she lying all the time?
Plus her husband keeps reinforcing the BS in the videos.

How hard is it to simply IGNORE the question?
They need to take some lessons in PR and learn to shut the fuck up in certain situations - your personality is only going to get you so far.
I'm a female. I've been properly working out for about 2 years now. I have gained some muscle, but nowhere near any of the women who are popular or "famous" on Instagram.
Katy Hearn, if you know her, has been working out for a simir amount of time and has so much more... Natty, I doubt it.

The more I talk to people & coaches etc, I begin to believe more and more that nearly everyone is taking SOMETHING illegal, if not steroids then clen etc.

What do you think? Even though some of the fitness women don't have lots of muscle, I still feel that the amount they have for how lean they are, and the development in their legs etx must mean they're doing something!!

Show us a pic
nah.. thats not accurate

"anyone who competes is on gear"

thats just not true

the physique competitor that trains me is a natural

and i know that shit for a fact.

she runs diuretics, and thermogenics ( OTC ONLY)

and those are the only fucking things she does

she's probably in the top 2-3% of the worlds population in genetics, and is en expert on HER nutrition

she knows what works for her

i dont slam everyone for claiming natty who looks unreal, i know genetic freaks, genetic out layers exist. they exist in every sport

there is a 20 year old kid in my gym right now that looks better than 75% of the people who are running gear

that kid is deffinately NATTY

just a fucking genetically gifted son of a bitch

he carries another 20 lbs on the same basic frame as i have and is close to ( if not sitting at ) single digit body fat

nd thats a kid who just trains hard and has basic nutrition knowledge - he's just gifted genetically

so for the rest of us, myself included - we need aas to overcome genetic limitations, age, and a lot of shitheads on here use it to overcome shitty nutrition..

but really guys, lets be honest here..

there are some really gifted nattys.. lucky fuckers

IME outside of competing and/or being a fitness model, I doubt women are taking steroids just to be famous on instagram or look good or whatever - butt implants? Yes.

I could tell you otherwise, yes I'm serious. Not drastic abuse, but mild shit like Var and Winny cycles... I know this for a fact. There are chicks using AAS just to tone up and look good, and there is a hell of a lot using Clen. More than you think...

They just can't seem to grasp the concept of, the drugs are next to useless without the appropriate diet and training!!

Chicks also seem to have this issue with carbs... Major issue it makes no sense to me. Carbs are not the fuckn devil lol, but ofcourse what would I know when a jacked up bloke like me says well part of the reason you feeling like shit is because your diet consists purely of chicken, fish and boiled beans and other fibrous greens namely spinach etc. I see it all the time.
I could tell you otherwise, yes I'm serious. Not drastic abuse, but mild shit like Var and Winny cycles... I know this for a fact. There are chicks using AAS just to tone up and look good, and there is a hell of a lot using Clen. More than you think...

They just can't seem to grasp the concept of, the drugs are next to useless without the appropriate diet and training!!

Chicks also seem to have this issue with carbs... Major issue it makes no sense to me. Carbs are not the fuckn devil lol, but ofcourse what would I know when a jacked up bloke like me says well part of the reason you feeling like shit is because your diet consists purely of chicken, fish and boiled beans and other fibrous greens namely spinach etc. I see it all the time.

This saddens me :(

I can understand non-competing/modelling guys taking steroids because for most of them it will take years of effort, if ever, to achieve the physique they desire. For example the dry look that most want is simply never going to happen natty on a permanent basis.

But the physique most women want - tone arms/legs, glute development, narrow waist, etc - can be achieved with intelligent diet & training for 2-3 years. I've had plenty of women come to me with no base at all and within 2-3 years they look similar to the instagram girls they admire so much.

Their are plenty of issues with women when it comes to building muscle - afraid of lifting heavy, afraid of carbs, afraid of gaining any sort of weight whatsoever, etc.
On the plus side, IME they are much better at cutting then dudes - they shut out the side effects of dieting like fatigue & cravings much more effectively the us guys.
I've met her & her husband at a few expos and I have to say that she's one of the coolest chicks around, which is rare in bodybuilding.
Normally most girls in this world are obsessed with training/diet/compounds and that's it - DLB has a genuine personality and a lot going on for her.

Which is why the natty claims she keeps making is even more infuriating - she doesn't have any sponsors, so why the fuck is she lying all the time?
Plus her husband keeps reinforcing the BS in the videos.

How hard is it to simply IGNORE the question?
They need to take some lessons in PR and learn to shut the fuck up in certain situations - your personality is only going to get you so far.

Whilst I absolutely agree, I think her real objective for not disclosing what she is on is because of that reason alone... She is a role model figure to thousands of people, spreading what she does is not going to be ideal for all of her fans and I think she knows this.

Ofcourse, we all know she ain't natty, but, it makes sense and I can agree with it from a moral point of view.

It's different if a bloke jumps on the juice to be like Kai Greene, he will come out fine if he fucks up for the most part or with reversible consequnces, but for a chick, someone naive a shot of Tren at what we consider normal doses = potential shit hitting the fan and flying all over the joint. I've seen it myself what a single shot of 500mg of Test E can do to a chick, she looks fucking rank and I couldn't fuck her without feeling wrong... DLB on the other hand, pwoah get in me shes amazing.
I had the pleasure of chatting to DLB (and her guy) over the weekend, she was very warm and full of fun, despite the constant hounding from the thousands of fans at the expo... she's even hotter in real life than she is in pics etc

I was actually surprised at how petite she was and her musculature wasn't as pronounced as I would have previously imagined - this only made her even hotter in my eyes!

If I'm going to be totally honest, after meeting her in the flesh, I'd say whether she is, or isn't on gear is borderline...
Her legs are no bigger than a competitive cyclist, and her upper body wasn't overly big comparable to a world level female gymnast.

One thing I am convinced of though.... she'd be THE most amazing f*ck you'd ever have!
Now No.1 fan :)
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I had the pleasure of chatting to DLB (and her guy) over the weekend, she was very warm and full of fun, despite the constant hounding from the thousands of fans at the expo... she's even hotter in real life than she is in pics etc

I was actually surprised at how petite she was and her musculature wasn't as pronounced as I would have previously imagined - this only made her even hotter in my eyes!

If I'm going to be totally honest, after meeting her in the flesh, I'd say whether she is, or isn't on gear is borderline...
Her legs are no bigger than a competitive cyclist, and her upper body wasn't overly big comparable to a world level female gymnast.

One thing I am convinced of though.... she'd be THE most amazing f*ck you'd ever have!
Now No.1 fan :)

I like DLB and everyone thinks that she is a nice girl, but the fact is that she is on gear. The jaw, voice, and beastly delts don't lie. She is committed to her shit but any girl who thinks they will look like DLB without hormonal assistance is crazy.

Amazing work ethic and she is a beast, but there is zero chance that she is natural. I wouldn't even care but the problem is that she says she is when she is not even asked. Most guys and girls using just ignore the question, but she goes out of her way to make it be known that she claims natural. That is my only beef with her, not that she would give a shit because I'm some guy on the internet and she's out there making serious bank and looking good.