experiences with gaba?

I have tried it. It is a great sleeping drug. Relaxes you. Similar in stucture to GHB. It actually turns off your stress receptors in the brain. Decreasing anxiety and stress. If you are to use a Gaba supp. Try out P-GH by universal. Same effects with a better absorbtion, because you inject it. It passes the blood-brain barrier more effectivly. Therefore making it more effective. If you use reguler gaba pills. Take about 2-3 grams your fist time. And adjust from there.
I don't know what your goals are. If your goal is relaxation, phenibut is outstanding. If it's for GH release.... can't help ya there.
Yes, Phenebut is very nice stuff, stack with some l-theanine, and 5HTP...very very nice
Haven't tried the 5-HTP yet. One thing I should note, hopefully nobody gets the idea of using phenibut as some sort of recreational drug or substitute for alcohol. This just leads to disappointment and a quick tolerance buildup.

Low doses, like intended, take the edge off and just leave you in a pleasant, relaxed mood.
Agreed, but used once in a while, it sure takes the edge off nicely. I would not call it a "high" per say, but it is certainly not a bad feeling at all