Extend cycle to include hcg??


New member
Cycle is 12 weeks test e @500mg/wk.

Just went in vacation and took my last pin all in one dose. This was 8 days ago.. I got some hcg late in my cycle because a friend was getting rid of some. As far as I can understand hcg can be suppressive and shouldn't be taken while on pct.

Would I be better off extending the test cycle to 14-16 weeks and running the hcg alongside until I start taking my clomid and nolva??

Thanks in advance..
Hcg has to be taken during your cycle. please lay out all your stats so we can assist and you should read the hcg profiles too to have a better understand ing what hcg is supposed to do during a cycle. How much hw did you do before this cycle?
Cycle is 12 weeks test e @500mg/wk.

Just went in vacation and took my last pin all in one dose. This was 8 days ago.. I got some hcg late in my cycle because a friend was getting rid of some. As far as I can understand hcg can be suppressive and shouldn't be taken while on pct.

Would I be better off extending the test cycle to 14-16 weeks and running the hcg alongside until I start taking my clomid and nolva??

Thanks in advance..

That ship has kind of already sailed. Your Leydig Cells / Testicles have already atrophied.

When are you starting PCT? You could try running a higher dose of the hCG for a few days before starting PCTm
have you extended your cycle and added HCG to it? have you done any bloodworks at any point of your cycle? are you experiencing any sides bro?