Fast Food (a must)


New member
I was wondering what everyone does when Fast food is a must and hitting the drive thru is the only option. Most healthy spots looking for opinions, thanks.
Last time I went to carls jr I got a turkey burger wheat bun and sweet potato fries I dont know. How healthy that is but I tried lol
I was gonna say subway but I thougbt u meant strictly fast food like drive through type stuff. Oh hell ya I always choose subway if I dont have much choice but to eat out
Fast food is never a must. You just have to plan ahead and pack ur meals accordingly. But if you have to, go for anything baked, or turkey, or salads.
I would never say a must but I do eat some to hit extra calories but I also don't gain fat for the life of me and when my bodies metabolism does slow down and it does gain fat I wouldn't eat out anymore.