fat intake???


New member
Hey, having problems understanding how much fat to intake each day. Im 163lbs. fairly lean. been eating around 20 grams a day. Id like to stay fairly lean, but put on muscle, any suggestions.
Way too low. You need fat for test production amongst many other things. The biggest mistake I've ever made dieting is dropping the fat too low. I never got really lean, just lost a lot of muscle. I take in 200 grams per day now but I am also extremely low carb 5 days per week with high carb weekends. (Metabolic/Anabolic diet)

I would suggest 20% of you diet come from fat. Start at 40% protein, 40% carb and 20% fat. Experiment from there.
If your workout consists of heavy basic movements and you are working out with intensity then you can handle a lot more fat in your diet. cconnors is right on the percentages.