Fats and carbs question????


New member
Ok so im on a pretty good mass diet and have got it down good except for one aspect.

My question is, can i take in some of my healthy fats with some carbs throughout the day?

The reason i ask is cause the way i have my diet currently laid out, its really hard to fit in all my carb and fat requirements and not have them intertwind throughout the day with eating 7 meals.

So does it hurt that much to have them together?:dunno:
Good fats should be spread out through the day, so your body can constantly use them to burn fat. I don't think it matters as much when you eat the carbs, as long as they are complex. Its the simple carbs that should come after working out. A lot of nutrionist's will tell you to get pro,carb,fat and veggie with every meal in order to have a balanced diet.

Remember when your bulking you do not have to be as strict. you can eat more fruit and complex carbs than you think.

Have you posted your diet before?
yep i recently posted it in this diet forum just look it should be under the title.. my current bulking diet... please critique? And that is the diet that i am currently using.
cutting diet ???? please help

ok so im cutting for a competition and i have a guy thats help;ing me out that is a former mr Oregon now he told me to keep my carbs low protein and fats high im pretty much living off of egg white at the moment 5 times a day or i will change it up with tuna but he had told me to add a scoop of protein with every meal except with the post shake of course but he also told me to b adding a table spoon if flax seed oil 2 times daily is there any competitive bodybuilders that can help me to see if this sounds right im a lil worried that the scoop of protein powder is a lil too much or am i trippen ??? thanx for any replies