50 is Beautiful!
Read read read!!! I've done so much of it my eyes are crossing! Learning, yes but also confused. I am not the sort of woman that can eat what she wants, I HAVE to eat clean and healthy and I've made that change. So far what I have read is that I may not be eating enough. My fear being is that I will gain on the pounds. I went from 165 in December 2012 to 130 as of this month..with a lot of hard work and determination. I did not eat 5 to 7 meals a day! I eat 3 with a snack...that's it. Now, my goal is to gain SOME muscle and definition. BF says I need to EAT EAT EAT! But, being someone that gained weight so easily in the past...eating too much scares me. Cardio 2x a day and weight training 3x a week...this is what I do. it enough?