Feeling depressed. Is it the gear?


New member
I was on a Sust/winny cycle and had my last shot last Monday. I have been really depressed the last 3-4 weeks. This is only my 2nd cycle and I have never experienced depression in my life. It Put tons of stress on my girlfriend because i think I became the "girl" I would always want to know what she was doing and where she was. I've never been like that before. Is this normal with gear or what? I also seem to be a little more paranoid. Any other experiences or feelings would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!
Seems to me like you are getting a little insecure about yourself, which is why you are trying to keep up with her more, and probably becoming more emotional. Are you on clomid? Well clomid or not, its not hard to get depressed post cycle. Are you affraid that you wont look as good possible b/c of some lost size? Remember you just fucked with your hormones in a major way, and some of those hormones can effect mood and such. Stick in there, we all go through it. Good luck!
bigdelt69 said:
Seems to me like you are getting a little insecure about yourself, which is why you are trying to keep up with her more, and probably becoming more emotional. Are you on clomid? Well clomid or not, its not hard to get depressed post cycle. Are you affraid that you wont look as good possible b/c of some lost size? Remember you just fucked with your hormones in a major way, and some of those hormones can effect mood and such. Stick in there, we all go through it. Good luck!

I don't think it is me being insecure. I look way better now than I did before the cycle. I just started clomid today. Does that help with the "down" feling?
roidjuice said:
I don't think it is me being insecure. I look way better now than I did before the cycle. I just started clomid today. Does that help with the "down" feling?

NO clomid usually makes guys more girly you whiny and shit.
Just hang in there bro and quit pestering your GF about what she is doing you are gonna push her away. Hell get some Dbol and take some really small doses it is known to give a euphoric feeling J/K bro well you could try it but u would be back where ya started when u quit taking it.
jb160 said:
NO clomid usually makes guys more girly you whiny and shit.

I felt like a weepy bitch when i was on clomid...i almost cried when ol' yeller died...:D

seriously though, i did not like how crappy and emotional i felt on clomid, but it isd a necessity....

maybe i should try skipping clomid and just run HCG.

Shit I had probs with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Nolva. I went to see my little brother graduate boot camp... Shit I cried like a bitch. Thought I was raggin with my old lady. Movies, shit it didnt matter what. LOL . But I increased my Test and switched to Prop Test. I was retaining alot of water and was showing some signes of gyno so thats why I started with Nolva. Oh and was also on L-Dex great fro water retention.

Maybe you have a lot of Estergyn flowing in you right Now. maybe ad some anti E's to your Cycle to combat it.
Yes, Roid, don't expect to feel much better while on clomid. That's the worst period for me (but it does not last too long;) )
Try tribulus and ZMA: they help me in those "girly" moments:D

you may want to try hcg and nolvadex instead of clomid. Clomid effects many people in the same way it has affected you.
Re: clomid

liquid3501 said:
you may want to try hcg and nolvadex instead of clomid. Clomid effects many people in the same way it has affected you.

Yes, I switched to Nolvadex and I will go that way from now on.
roidjuice said:
I don't think it is me being insecure. I look way better now than I did before the cycle. I just started clomid today. Does that help with the "down" feling?

Some people report that Clomid brings out their "feminine" side, and joke about watching The Lifetime Channel and crying... :) Clomid doesn't phase me.

I've only done two cycles, had no emotional problems during or after the first, but during the second I had some anger management issues, and a week after the last injection I had a three-day spell where I fell into the worst depressive episode of my life. I've compared it to the feeling of my mom dying, girlfriend dumping me, wrecking my car and losing my job all on the same day. It was all I could do to make myself get up and go to work, and at work I spent hours with my forehead resting on my desk. It was BAD. Then it went away. But a month later, I still feel a little shellshocked by the experience.

Changes in the hormone levels in your system can bring on strange emotional reactions. Goes with the territory I guess. Just keep reminding yourself that it's not real, and that it'll eventually go away.

Mr. dB said:
Some people report that Clomid brings out their "feminine" side, and joke about watching The Lifetime Channel and crying... :) Clomid doesn't phase me.

I've only done two cycles, had no emotional problems during or after the first, but during the second I had some anger management issues, and a week after the last injection I had a three-day spell where I fell into the worst depressive episode of my life. I've compared it to the feeling of my mom dying, girlfriend dumping me, wrecking my car and losing my job all on the same day. It was all I could do to make myself get up and go to work, and at work I spent hours with my forehead resting on my desk. It was BAD. Then it went away. But a month later, I still feel a little shellshocked by the experience.

Changes in the hormone levels in your system can bring on strange emotional reactions. Goes with the territory I guess. Just keep reminding yourself that it's not real, and that it'll eventually go away.


That is similar to what I experienced, mine wasn't quite as bad. I think i may have really f$&ked up my relationship in the with my girl in the process. I didn't know what was going on adn I turned into a paranoid asshole. Thanks for the help guys, it's greatly appreciated!
roidjuice said:
It Put tons of stress on my girlfriend because i think I became the "girl" I would always want to know what she was doing and where she was.

I got this way on clomid, which tells me low test/high estro, aka CRASH. Its no wonder my current cycle is not so spectacular, and the balls are near half thier normal size after only 5 weeks!
bro, just relax and chill ......it could be the test leaving your body but it's all good bro...sometimes you just have to say f----it...follow me?
Gimp said:
my mood is terrible off cycle. When I'm on test...I feel euphoric. but the worst is when I'm about 3-4 weeks post cycle. My head gets all messed up . I get all emotional and stuff...just keep doing your normal stuff and keep in mind it will pass ,it's only temporary.

Same here...while on cycle I am always "groovin", but post cycle especially with the initial doasges of clomid being so high I become a weepy bitch, always wanting my gf to hold me...it passes bro...just part of the game
I never got 'girly' when taking clomid. I got real moody. Any little thing would set me off. I was constantly nagging at my girl. Luckily she understood that it was just my hormones trying to get back to normal.

i also got a little depressed due to a little weight loss and in my mind I thought I looked like shit and felt real small.....of course everyone around me was telling me the opposite!