Finaflex cycle questions


New member
Ok so I'm going to be running a cycle of the original finaflex 550. From what I've read it's a combo of sdrol/tren. Since this is my first ph I'm going to run it at 1 cap for 4 weeks to see how my body reacts, this will be 10mg sdrol and 25mg of tren. I will be running this will Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support and liv52 which ill preload for 2 weeks. For my post cycle therapy (pct) I will be running Nolva at 20/20/20/10 and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) post cycle support. I'm asking since this is my first cycle if there's any flaws in my cycle or post cycle therapy (pct)? Also was curious if I need a test booster of some sort for post cycle therapy (pct)? Thanks.
more tren than that would be better but why not just try one solo at first. maybe hdrol is a better option than 2 harsh compounds