Finished oils vs Homebrew potency

I trust myself a lot more than some stranger off the internet. Hell, if I bought gear from an UGL I probably wouldn't feel comfortable injecting it without filtering it myself first.
I trust myself a lot more than some stranger off the internet. Hell, if I bought gear from an UGL I probably wouldn't feel comfortable injecting it without filtering it myself first.

Thats the exact response my buddy gave me. I can't even say I'm a noob because Ive never injected, the closest I've come to steroids is a pro hormone in th Balco days. Wanna give it a go but I have no balls (no pun). How do you know what you have isnt going to screw u up other than whats expected that is. And thanks for the responce

regarding pro hormones, from what I have read, they're worse than steroids because of the stress they can have on the liver, while only some steroids (orals, usually) are bad for the liver. A quick Google search and you will find a bunch of info on this.

regarding pro hormones, from what I have read, they're worse than steroids because of the stress they can have on the liver, while only some steroids (orals, usually) are bad for the liver. A quick Google search and you will find a bunch of info on this.
Yeah I found out the hard way, back pumps felt like a mule kicked me in my kidney's so never again on the pro's. Friend of mine brews his all the time, gave me a sample and I learned how to brew it on here and basskiller but just cant seem to pin it. Was it like that for anybody you know? Now I know how virgins feel, lol.
Yeah I found out the hard way, back pumps felt like a mule kicked me in my kidney's so never again on the pro's. Friend of mine brews his all the time, gave me a sample and I learned how to brew it on here and basskiller but just cant seem to pin it. Was it like that for anybody you know? Now I know how virgins feel, lol.

When you said "virgins", were you referring to post injection pain? :D

I can say from personal experience, after having used UGL (underground labs) products, that "virgin muscle" is a myth, probably created by misinformation and the shills working for those UGL's. I once used UGL Deca (which should not hurt), yet I had excruciating pain that I was literally limping for a few days. I had horrible pain every time I injected it, not just the first time, so I knew "virginity" had nothing to do with it :p.

Long story short, I did some Googling and found out that one of the main causes of post injection pain is due to high concentration of alcohol (BA). When I brewed my own Test prop and Deca, I used no BA to test out this theory. I had no pain at all, and thus, I knew excess BA was the culprit in the UGL Deca.

If you were to brew your own, I would not recommend getting rid of the BA like how I experimented. The BA is needed to keep bacteria from growing in your brew. What I would recommend is keep the BA concentration at a reasonable level, such as 1-2%. (1% is used by pharmaceutical companies).
I re-read your post, poindexter. Were you referring to your fear of needle and injecting yourself? :D

A 25 gauge needle will make it very painless, especially if you inject in the upper part of your buttocks (Google for a picture of buttock injection). Most people's buttocks have a good amount of fat, and there is no pain receptors on fat cells, so this is the best spot to inject if you want to minimize pain.
I re-read your post, poindexter. Were you referring to your fear of needle and injecting yourself? :D

A 25 gauge needle will make it very painless, especially if you inject in the upper part of your buttocks (Google for a picture of buttock injection). Most people's buttocks have a good amount of fat, and there is no pain receptors on fat cells, so this is the best spot to inject if you want to minimize pain.

No I'm not afraid of the needle, its the fact that I've never done it before but most importantly, other than a melting point test I have no way of knowing what the hell I'm injecting. The friend that got it for me was jacked not just built but JACKED, and he said he was in it for life and loved the stuff but also said other than a blood test you don't know if you even have test. Buttman I've had this stuff for 2 and a half years, (a lot of it ) and I'm getting to that fuck it point and probably will pin it because I saw the BA, BB, and carrier oil go in it and I have learned a lot in the time since the purchase, like how to read bloodwork, protecting your organs, post cycle therapy (pct) etc. In regards to feeling like a virgin only meant that the unknown has your frozen where you won't make a move thats all. I think most of my fear comes from reading to much about AAS and William Llewellyn's books, lol.
No I'm not afraid of the needle, its the fact that I've never done it before but most importantly, other than a melting point test I have no way of knowing what the hell I'm injecting. The friend that got it for me was jacked not just built but JACKED, and he said he was in it for life and loved the stuff but also said other than a blood test you don't know if you even have test.

If you brew your own, then it's possible to know if you have the real stuff or not. For instance, Test E is the easiest to verify. It should melt when you pinch it with your fingers. Some people say it smell like the oil from pine (Christmas) tree.

Buttman I've had this stuff for 2 and a half years, (a lot of it ) and I'm getting to that fuck it point and probably will pin it because I saw the BA, BB, and carrier oil go in it and I have learned a lot in the time since the purchase, like how to read bloodwork, protecting your organs, PCT etc.

If you're ever in doubt, just pin 0.5ml on your first try. Then wait at least a week to see how your body reacts. If all goes well, then increase to 1ml and continue to monitor changes. If possible, do a pre and a post bloodwork.

In regards to feeling like a virgin only meant that the unknown has your frozen where you won't make a move thats all. I think most of my fear comes from reading to much about AAS and William Llewellyn's books, lol.

I haven't read his books, but am curious - what did he mention in his books that had you frozen in fear? :p Dirty UGL products?
Im sorry, but I have to disagree with your comment about BA content and PIP. I dont believe that BA causes as much PIP as everyone thinks. If you make a 10ml vial of gear with 2% BA, then that means that there is .2ml of BA in the WHOLE vial. Take a slin pin, pull .2ml of BA. Now backload that with .5ml of Bac Water. Shake it up, and pin that in your bicep.
By the way, I have done this.
Doing this, you will be injecting the entire BA content of a 10ml vial. Now Im not saying its going to be painless. Its going to feel like you have a charlie horse, that will last about 45 minutes to an hour. And I promise you will feel nothing the following day. As all of you know, PIP is worst the following day.
Im not saying that too much BA wont cause any pain. Im saying that you cannot tell the difference between 1,2,3, or maybe even 4%. And if it does cause a little discomfort, its only going to cause some discomfort within the first hour post injection.
On another note, years ago when IGF was first released, some guys reconned it with BA. Any of those old timers can tell you that BA isnt the cause of PIP.
Im sorry, but I have to disagree with your comment about BA content and PIP. I dont believe that BA causes as much PIP as everyone thinks. If you make a 10ml vial of gear with 2% BA, then that means that there is .2ml of BA in the WHOLE vial. Take a slin pin, pull .2ml of BA. Now backload that with .5ml of Bac Water. Shake it up, and pin that in your bicep.
By the way, I have done this.
Doing this, you will be injecting the entire BA content of a 10ml vial. Now Im not saying its going to be painless. Its going to feel like you have a charlie horse, that will last about 45 minutes to an hour. And I promise you will feel nothing the following day. As all of you know, PIP is worst the following day.

If I remember correctly, I have read posts where some people have said that they injected straight BA to test out the pain and they had no pain at all. Now, I don't know if these people were exaggerating or they were telling the truth but were on some type of pain medications (that they forgot to mention) or they have injected so much that their nerve endings are literally destroyed and can no longer feel pain.

I know from experience as well as from using common sense, that if there is a fresh wound (from needle injection for instance), then putting alcohol on that wound would cause tremendous pain.

Im not saying that too much BA wont cause any pain. Im saying that you cannot tell the difference between 1,2,3, or maybe even 4%. And if it does cause a little discomfort, its only going to cause some discomfort within the first hour post injection.

This is a really good point and kind of makes it very puzzling to figure out exactly what causes these PIP, because the worst post injection pains (from UGL products) I have had all started around 3-5 hours after pinning. Could it be the byproduct (metabolites) of BA and/or BB?