First Clen Cycle, Need Some Advice Please


New member
Hey guys, I apologize for another Clen thread but I need some advice. I've read through some other threads and got some good info. Anyway, I will be starting my first Clen cycle on Monday. I'm about 6'5 280lbs. and I'd say I'm around 20-25% bodyfat, muscular up top but got to get rid of this gut soon. I've been on a clean diet for about 2 weeks now, keeping my daily fat intake at or around 30g, carb intake at or around 100g, and protein intake anywhere from 200-250g. I do little cardio and a mixture of powerlifting and crossfit 4-6 times a week. I just had a few questions: 1.) What would you reccomend my dosage be? I'm doing 2weeks on/2 weeks off. I see most people start at 20mcg but should I up it being at 280 lbs? 2.) I started an over the counter stack of ErgoShred and ErgoBolic about 2 weeks ago. Can I still use this while on Clen? 3.) I will be receiving my kit tomorrow and I believe the brand is Javan Labs? Has anybody heard of them? Thank you guys, I look forward to reading your responses.
If it is legit good clen. Start at 20mcg per day and see how you feel. do it for a few days and if you can handle the sides, bump it up a little. (usually get the jitters) do not just jump to 80 or 100 mcg.
You can slowly work up to 100 or even more, but again, see how you feel each time you bump it up.
Ok cool thank you. Would you reccomend taking an over the counter fat burner too or leave it as is?

IMO, over the counter shit dont work. Unless it comes over the counter from the pharmacist! LOL
Eat a clean diet, do some cardio and give it a 2 on 2 off for a couple of cycles and see how it goes. You dont want to stay on the clen too long.
I've never heard of that lab but you will know if clen is working real quick. The first time I used it (had phenomenal results btw) I was shaking and would get the worst headaches ever. Even worse than a hangover. The results were awesome. I think a lot of the results will come with the kind of cardio you do. I did a combo of p90x and interval training. Be safe when you take it and taper up don't just start at a high dose.
Ok cool thanks. I just picked up my kit yesterday and going to start tomorrow. I believe the dosser I have is 1ml. Is 20mcgs equal to .1ml?
As much as you probably don't want to hear this, I recommend staying off the clen until you're at around 10% bodyfat. I'd stick to an EC stack for now until you're at around 10%. 20-25% is really high, and its better to develop good eating habits to initially cut, otherwise you're going to see some serious rebounds.
At 280lbs I guarantee if u just clean up ur diet and put in some work u will drop some serious lbs without the clen. Clen is for Precontest my man.