First cycle help guy.. and pct use..


New member
This is going to be my first cycle and this is what I have.. 2 vials of deca.. 2 vials of test e.. 30 pills of dbol 50mg.. and 100 pills of nolvadex.. I have read alot of conflicting advice.. so what would be best with what I have available and do I need to run for 14-16 weeks.. or can I do less.? Help guys.. I want to be smart about this stuff but don't want to break the bank.. I am 33 yo 189 lbs.. 5'8" about 15% body fat.. but a stocky frame already.
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First cycle should only be with test, AI, hCG and followed by PCT. No Deca or orals. Read the FAQs thread below in my signature for more info on why.

If money is an issue, how are you going to afford all the food you need?
Not worried about food.. but now thinking test e and dbol is better for me..and nolvadex for pct.. after reading soo many threads.. alot of oeople say all these extra pct stuff and ai are a waste of money and a just in case protocol.. want to be safe but not over cautious..