First cycle, just a few questions.


New member
Hey guys.
I was just browsing the interweb looking for some information about my situation. Sadly I read until my eyes burn but to no avail. Here's my situation:
I am 21 years old, currently 180 lbs. I have been working out for about 2 years now solid, like everyday, maybe one or two days off a week depending how I feel. I do different muscle groups every day, with a reverse triangle setup, as in low weight high reps, with increasing weight and decreasing sets. I have seen some good builds with just Protein and Creatine. Recently I have aquired a source from which I can purchase steroids. So being ill-informed and too impatient (haha) I bought a bottle of D-bol. I did some more reading and found a lot of information about D-bol only cycles and saw a common trend saying that you should maybe add Test or something with it. At first I didn't want to inject because I hate needles, but I read a forum that threw that idea out the window. I am now willing to inject, just wondering what the best course of action would be. Ultimately what I would like to achieve would be about a 20 lb increase in muscle to bring me up to 200lbs, but more importantly to keep that size when/if I do go off the juice. I'm one week into my D-bol only cycle at 40mg ED. I know I read that you won't see/feel results for 3 weeks or so but I do actually feel results already in the form of more reps/quicker rest. Anyway I'm willing to inject and just looking for some more information, anything you guys can offer up would be great. Thanks for your time! :newbie:
IMO? ... NO... No need AAs. for 20 worth nothing. and also you're young;

especialy, don't take D-bol.
yeah you really dont need AAS for 20 lbs. and your young as me so i know most likley you wont listen. and if continue the best advise i can give is to get some test alonf with some PCT(NOLVADEX) and kick d-bol to the side. taking more than 1 AAS on the first cycle is a big "NO". but really, you dont need AAS for just 20 lbs
Okay fair enough, and just because i'm young doesn't mean I won't listen. I went ahead and bought the D-bol with little to no info and what i'm looking for now is something to go with it. I'm not trying to be ignorant just looking for some advice. I have heard a good choice for me would be maybe some deca added and a post cycle therapy (pct). Just looking for some info please thanks.
Okay fair enough, and just because i'm young doesn't mean I won't listen. I went ahead and bought the D-bol with little to no info and what i'm looking for now is something to go with it. I'm not trying to be ignorant just looking for some advice. I have heard a good choice for me would be maybe some deca added and a post cycle therapy (pct). Just looking for some info please thanks.

No mate deca would be the worst addition.
I agree with other lads, but as you have them and you are going to take them, just run a dbol cycle for 6wks at 30-40mg ED.
Get some clomid and nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) and some extra nolva incase gyno symptoms arise.
Why is deca a bad idea? I don't mean to challenge you but you have no reference for your information, you just say that it's a bad idea. My friend said he's used just d-bol and deca and had no problems with it.
And when I said 20 lbs I meant 20+, I want to gain more muscle and I've basically hit a plateau, hence why im interested.
well if you going to run deca you have to run it with some Test at a higher dosege, and d-bol shouldnt be taking alone. d-bol is called the breakfast for champions, breakfast is the first meal of the day to start you out and get you going. deca without Test will give you Deca D!ck (pardon the french).

Your a Newbie like me, you really shouldnt run more than one AAS. but base on my knowledge a good cycle wood be

D-Bol WK 1-5, 30 MG perday
Test E or Test CYP WK 1-12

Nolvadex 40 mg for 14 days and 20mg after that untill a month

(you should really read the info steroidology as for us newbies)
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Regardless if u run the Deca or not u need to incorporate Test with ur d-bol. Imo I would run 500mg/wk of Test-e for 12 weeks and the D-bol for 4 weeks at 25-30mg/day.Personally I wouldnt run any aas for 20 plus pds. bro. At 21 u should have no problem gaining that if ur diet is on, but sounds like u already started the d-bol so u really need to incorporate some Test.
Alright thanks for all the info guys. I think what I will do is run d-bol alone for now as I have read lots of varying things about it.
U bout to learn the hard way just like I did. But at 21 nobody could tell me nothin either,good luck bro. Keep us updated.
I have just had a lot of mixed advice that's all. I have heard that if I am going to take test with it I need to start them both at the same time, I've also heard if I add test I have to add other stuff to avoid sides. All in all it seemed that d-bol only would have the least sides and best gain. Then I find that some people say they lose most of it, but some say they keep it. So I guess it's all up to genetics of the individual. Now seeing as I am going to run d-bol only, any suggestions as to a way to increase intake in mid cycle and then ween off it slowly rather then just going a certain amount the whole cycle and then going off completely. Most info I have seen suggests this is the best way to keep the majority of what you gain. Like I said earlier within one week of taking this stuff I am seeing results. Nothing major yet but I will keep you posted. One other thing, if I don't like my results after my cycle, how long should I wait before starting another cycle of something else (not d-bol as this has been a huge headache)
Okay I have changed my mind after some gratuitous reading. I know it's not at the start of my cycle but I am going to add on sust twice a week for 5 weeks, and stick to a 6 week cycle of d-bol / sust. I have been told that I will not need anything else to go with it. Feel free to pick at my friends judgement im looking for all the constructive criticism I can get.
This is what a real first timer cycle looks like.

Week 1-12 Test E or C – 250mg 2x week
Week 1-14 Aromasin – 12.5mg ed
Week 15-16 Nolva – 40mg ed
Week 17-18 Nolva – 20mg ed

Add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is you like.

Have extra aromasin and nolva on hand if a problem should pop up.

A 5 week cycle of test is worthless imo.

I'd stay away from sust for first timers, since it has so many different types of test in it. Stick to just one.
Pave, Uruk just gave u a good foundation imo bro. Take heed to whats been givin to u. Good advice right there!!
1st, there is nothing wrong with a dbol only cycle, thousands have done it for a first cycle including me.
2nd, why uruk states that is what a first time cycle should like is beyond me.
You don't need to run aromasin thru the whole cycle because you don't even know if you might be gyno prone or not, so why add it just for the sake of it.
Also that post cycle therapy (pct) is pretty poor without the addition of clomid, it's common knowledge ( or should be) that post cycle therapy (pct) is much more successful with the addition of clomid, in clinical trials it has been shown that 100mg for the first 7 days increases LH and FSH by as much as 50%, this is a large part of what post cycle therapy (pct) is all about.
Screw it, i'm going to stick to d-bol only for now. How long after this cycle (6 week cycle) until I start another one?