First Cycle (lots of questions)


New member
Hello everyone. :)

I apologize in advance if this come across as the 20 questions of somebody who's not put in enough research to this subject, but the truth is that I have, and aside from reassurance of what I think I already know, there are still some gray areas I'd love to discuss.

About me
I'm a 24 year old male
I've on and off lifted since I was 16, and don't have the worst body.
I've always had problems losing weight (both genetics as well as my own fault)
I have a desk job.
I do NOT have very great genetics, and have constantly fought very hard to gain or lose anything. Not exactly the first guy you'd pick for football.
Visit the gym on average 3-4 times a week for 2 hour sessions.

My goal
My goal is not to get HUGE or compete. I simply want to push past my strength gaining barrier, and get just above my long worn average physique.

My Concerns
1: Will just one cycle wear off very shortly, and am I wasting my time unless I plan to take the juice consistently for the rest of my life?
2: Sex life: I know your balls will shrink up, but how does this actually affect your sex life? Will I experience issues performing? Will I have a low supply of sperm, etc.

Build muscle, lose weight, or both at the same time?
I hear some say steroids simply highly increase whatever type of goal you're going for. You can either lose weight very quick, or get VERY big.
Then I hear some say that you'll do both at the same time.
I'd LIKE to do both at the same time if I can, if not...simply gaining muscle is all I'd care about.

What to take?
I am at a loss on what to even take. I hear HGH, Test, and plenty more.
I know that I want an inject-able.
I'd like to keep the risk low, but I'm fully prepared to endure some side affects.
I also don't know what sort of estrogen blockers to take, or any means of building up a "cycle". Any advice for a guy like me?
I don't care to much about price. Obviously inexpensive is nice, but I'm willing to shell out more for better/safer stuff.

Where to get it?
I hear the silk road is the best place to get these things online.
I don't know how to access it, but I don't expect anybody to tell me how.
All I'd like, is an opinion of the silk road, and perhaps a better suggestion if anyone knows.

Where to inject?
I hear the butt, stomach, and quads are the best. Is there some sort of guide somewhere that can help me figure this out?

Thank you in advance for any info you can give.

1. No. Youll need to do a pct after your cycle to help keep most of your gains along with a proper diet and training routine on and off cycle.

2. If all goes right, your libido will be HIGH so you shouldn't have any performance problems unless your esyrogen gets out of control.

3. Your cycle is based mainly off of diet and of course working out that will determine your gains

4. There are stickies at the top of the anabolic forum so read them. They have most of the answers

5. Internet

What are your stats...all you said was height and age...
Need age, height, weight, body fat % (roughly but accurately as possible)
And when are you planning to cycle? Because you don't seem to be ready yet...
Read all the stickies they are there for a reason and will answer most of your questions. Keep reading most of your questions have been answered in the past use the search.
Thank you everybody who's given feedback. :)

What are your stats...all you said was height and age...
Need age, height, weight, body fat % (roughly but accurately as possible)
And when are you planning to cycle? Because you don't seem to be ready yet...

Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190lbs
Body fat% : Probably around 18%

When I'm not sure yet. As soon as I feel comfortable with the knowledge I have I'll go for it.
Thank you everybody who's given feedback. :)

Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190lbs
Body fat% : Probably around 18%

When I'm not sure yet. As soon as I feel comfortable with the knowledge I have I'll go for it.

Yea you need to wait a little while 18% roughly you have a decent amount of lbm you can gain naturally first...
Go to the diet forum and get in touch with 3J...he can get ur diet right
I don't think you are ready for AAS just yet...stick around and read read read and train and diet ur ass off :)
Yea you need to wait a little while 18% roughly you have a decent amount of lbm you can gain naturally first...
Go to the diet forum and get in touch with 3J...he can get ur diet right
I don't think you are ready for AAS just yet...stick around and read read read and train and diet ur ass off :)

Thanks for the feedback :)

So I got my bf actually checked today just out of curiosity. I'm apparently at 15% instead of 18% like I thought.
I know it's still on the high side though.

But I was wondering, what would the consequence to a person of my stats be if I jumped the gun and took these supplements?
Thanks for the feedback :)

So I got my bf actually checked today just out of curiosity. I'm apparently at 15% instead of 18% like I thought.
I know it's still on the high side though.

But I was wondering, what would the consequence to a person of my stats be if I jumped the gun and took these supplements?

Well, you probably wldnt get the full benefit if you jumped on them before you were as far along as you could be...most on here recommend you be as close to your genetic peak as possible...I'm 185 to 187 on a normal day and I have a lower bf% and still have room to go...
If you arent ready any of the dozens of consequences could occur...
My advice is simply wait and get your diet 100% in check and the change in your physique will surprise you!
If you don't take my advice then read the sticky about first will tell you what you need to know.
Best of luck bro!