First Cycle,,,please critique my plan


New member
I am going to start my first cycle of sustanon 500mg/week for 10 weeks.. I plan to use clomid for my pct. My questions are

1. Should I stack deca or not ?
2. for AI should I use Adex or Tamoxifen ?
3. Should I use HCG or not ?

I am little susceptible for gyno and water retention so which of AI would be better ?

Stats- 19 yo, 165 pounds and 5'8 with 3 years natural training but had major downs in life

(about the age,,,I wont listen about it as I have made up my mind about it)
1)stack equipose instead of deca(no water retention ,lean slow gains,hardens you up , you keep your gains)
2)AI's work differently for person to person , id suggest adex.
3)yes ofc use hcg (after you stop shooting test , shoot 1500ui of hcg every 3 days for 2 weeks)
after that go with nolvadex 40mg ed, and clomid 50mg ed for 4 weeks.
use proviron 25mg ed during your cycle.
be very careful with gyno , dont mess it up.
plus 1st cycle , go with 350mg /week, after week 6 bump it 400.
use equipose im not kiding, go for 12 weeks .
1)stack equipose instead of deca(no water retention ,lean slow gains,hardens you up , you keep your gains)
2)AI's work differently for person to person , id suggest adex.
3)yes ofc use hcg (after you stop shooting test , shoot 1500ui of hcg every 3 days for 2 weeks)
after that go with nolvadex 40mg ed, and clomid 50mg ed for 4 weeks.
use proviron 25mg ed during your cycle.
be very careful with gyno , dont mess it up.
plus 1st cycle , go with 350mg /week, after week 6 bump it 400.
use equipose im not kiding, go for 12 weeks .

Please don't tell him to take all this shit.

Shaurya, you don't have any place using steroids. How do you know you're susceptible to gyno? You asked what AI to use and mentioned tamoxifen (it is a SERM, not an AI). You're a lightweight and need food. And an education. READ, READ, READ. Ask questions when you've searched until the Internet has run out. I guarantee any question you have has been answered.
Skip 2nd comment and go with Rastas ..

In future if you see anyone saying you should bump/taper steroids , then that's a good sign that this person knows nothing about the subject..

U never bump/taper unless there is a good reason for that, you don't want messing with ur hormone levels
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Please don't tell him to take all this shit.

Shaurya, you don't have any place using steroids. How do you know you're susceptible to gyno? You asked what AI to use and mentioned tamoxifen (it is a SERM, not an AI). You're a lightweight and need food. And an education. READ, READ, READ. Ask questions when you've searched until the Internet has run out. I guarantee any question you have has been answered.
You are 19 and you want to use steroids. SMH
Please don't tell him to take all this shit.

Shaurya, you don't have any place using steroids. How do you know you're susceptible to gyno? You asked what AI to use and mentioned tamoxifen (it is a SERM, not an AI). You're a lightweight and need food. And an education. READ, READ, READ. Ask questions when you've searched until the Internet has run out. I guarantee any question you have has been answered.
Start with a creatine cycle. All kinds of gains!!!!
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Please don't tell him to take all this shit.

Shaurya, you don't have any place using steroids. How do you know you're susceptible to gyno? You asked what AI to use and mentioned tamoxifen (it is a SERM, not an AI). You're a lightweight and need food. And an education. READ, READ, READ. Ask questions when you've searched until the Internet has run out. I guarantee any question you have has been answered.

I used Dianabol when I was 16 (Yes I know VERY STUPID) so from that I know I am more susceptible to gyno