First cycle - proposed layout, questions and eventual log.


New member
Hi all,

Very first post. Awesome, informative forum from research and excited to join.

After a lot of research, deliberation, and more research, I've decided to join the dark side :squint:.

My friend and I are going to embark upon the same cycle together, at the same time, which for me was the deciding factor. Firstly, my stats:

31 Yr/old. 6ft 3ins. 194Lbs. 15% BF. I have been lifting with reasonable regularity for 5 years, and more recently than this, got my diet dialed in (helped enormously). I'm by no means ripped or bulky (more of an ectomorph by design), but i'm reasonably strong (can bench 235 Lbs), and touch wood, no injuries to speak of. I am looking to get to a sustained 200Lbs, and 12%BF.

I'll list my cycle, with reasoning, then ask a few questions:

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I know. 300mg Test-E/week is low. However:

1). I'm using it more as a maintenance dose to support the Anavar rather than a full supra-physiological dose. 300mg will give me enough test to support the Anavar, plus a bit more.
2). 500mg+ Test-E per week is known to suppress collagen synthesis, I do not want this. Given that 300mg Test should only cause slight suppression, and Anavar supports collagen syn, the net affect to collagen should be negligible
3). Other Test sides (water retention, potential for MPB, gyno etc.) should be minimized at this dose.

I basically feel that a lower test-e dose, plus a 6 week run of Anavar at the beginning should give me the results I'm looking for (slightly leaner, with a decent LBM gain).

A few questions if I may:

1). Does the HCG look correct? looking to start when the test-e kicks in, right up to PCT. Dose looks good?
2). Do I need to run Armidex/Aromasin throughout the cycle (if so, how much?) at these AAS dosages, or just keep them on-hand in case of gyno symptoms?
3). Nolva/Clomid for PCT. Best to run both, but again at my AAS dosages, are the dosages of them both sensible?

I'll be shooting for 3k calories per day, and 180g protein. Sound sensible given my goals? I'll be working out 4 x per week, high weight, low rep (8x6x4) to fail, focusing on the big-lift exercises.

I'm also starting to run peptides to increase natty HGH (ipamorelin + CJC1295 NO DAC), and will be maintaining this throughout the cycle. Any concerns here?

Any other thoughts/opinions/ideas will be extremely welcomed.

Thanks guys!