First cycle,proprionate testosterone.Please help


New member
Hi,I am 22 years old,i am training about 3 years, i am 1.83 90 kg.I am thinking to have my first cycle with testo proprionate/winstrol depot or tablet/anavar.My Plan is

testo prop 1-6 week EOD
provi 1-6 50 mg ED
anavar 1-6 40 mg ED
winstrol 1-6 50 mg ED

nolvadex 40mg 7 week /20 mg 8-10 week

Please help.Give advise so to not have problems.Thank you for your time
Thanks guys for the advises

thanks for the advices,what to do to prevent testo crash?Also post cycle therapy (pct) with nolva only its problem?what do you think?
Thanks guys for the advises

thanks for the advices,what to do to prevent testo-crash?only nolva its good for pct?thanks again
Just do test prop only cycle man 100mg every other day. have a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand. And nolva will be fine for pct.