First Cycle, Starting week #8


New member
Hi Guys, I'm 44 years old, very novice when it comes to anabolics
I'm in week #8 of my first cycle.
What I am doing is 500 mg Test E for 10 weeks, first 4 weeks Dbol 50mg a day.
Was feeling a little bloated, got some liquid Stane 2 weeks ago and started that I've been taking at half a ml on an oral syringe ed. Started sweating alot at night. Lost about 5 lbs over the course of a week. Feel less bloated, could this be alot of water that I have gotten rid of?
Anyhow, happy with gains, no sides really to be concerned about.
For my PCT I have Clomid, Liquid Tamox and erase pro.

Have been reading on here alot and so many people have different opinions on what to take and how much.

I understand the Clomid and the Tamox(Nolvadex) are the norm for a post cycle therapy (pct). Do I take both together every day or like many suggest, take Clomid first for 3 weeks, then the Nolvadex?
I've also read it's good to continue with Aromasin during PCT as some say it's better to reduce estregon rather than to just block it.

Input Please guys, any help, information would be greatly appreciated

James H
The 5 lbs you lost is water. My weight fluctuates about 10-12lb through the day. Nothing to worry about.

Clomid and Nolva should be run together. Run the aromasin during the two weeks before you start taking your clomid and nolva, then stop it because it will negatively effect your hpta.
Thanks guy, appreciate the input
Does this sound reasonable?

Week 1: 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
Week 2: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
Week 3: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
Week 4: 20mg Nolva ED
The 5 lbs you lost is water. My weight fluctuates about 10-12lb through the day. Nothing to worry about.

Clomid and Nolva should be run together. Run the aromasin during the two weeks before you start taking your clomid and nolva, then stop it because it will negatively effect your hpta.

I thought I was the only one. my weight fluctuates 6lbs throughout the day too. thought mine was mostly diet
If you're not running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at 500mg I can almost guarantee your estro is high, especially as a 44yo. High estro will cause you to retain and bloat.
That's right, started sweating at night. I feel less bloated. I'm taking 12.5mg a day. Some guys recommend 25mg a day, but warn not to lower estro to much. I wonder, how do you know what is the right dose?
James H
That's right, started sweating at night. I feel less bloated. I'm taking 12.5mg a day. Some guys recommend 25mg a day, but warn not to lower estro to much. I wonder, how do you know what is the right dose? James H
Stick with 12.5 for now and get labs, 25 ed is too much. Blood work is the only way to tell for sure, but only having a few weeks left won't do you much good.
Thanks guy, will stick with the 12.5.
I've always wondered how you guys get blood work done. Maybe it's easier in the states.
I'm in Canada and have to get an appointment with my doctor first. I'm sure if I told him what I was doing he wouldn't be supportive
Thanks guy, will stick with the 12.5.
I've always wondered how you guys get blood work done. Maybe it's easier in the states.
I'm in Canada and have to get an appointment with my doctor first. I'm sure if I told him what I was doing he wouldn't be supportive
Don't know about the process in Canada, but I do know there are many Canadians on the board that can help you out.
have you heard of Erase Pro. OTC product supposed to be really good. I have a bottle and am wondering if I should take it during post cycle therapy (pct) or wait untill after.